Overview of Design and Construction Points Analysis for the Rotating Continuous Girder Bridge
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Bridge design
Continuous girder
Transformer bridge



Submitted : 2023-09-09
Accepted : 2023-09-24
Published : 2023-10-09


With the advancement of the economy, the construction of roads and bridges has assumed a crucial role in the
development of China’s highway transportation system. The interplay between the design and construction technologies of road bridges is pivotal, as it directly impacts the subsequent operation and maintenance phases. Although the design and construction techniques for continuous girder transitions have been progressively improving, challenges still persist. This paper takes the example of the continuous girder design for the T-structure (75 m + 75 m) of the Xintai Highway Crossing Yanzhou-Shijiusuo Railway Separation Interchange Project and delves into an analysis of the structural design calculations for the bridge transition, the transition structure’s design, and critical considerations during construction. The findings presented here can serve as a valuable reference for similar project designs.


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Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China. Technical Specification for Highway Bridge Culvert Construction (JTG/T F50-2011), 2011, Beijing.

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