Vol 2 No Special (2024)
Special Issue Editors

Joint Logistics Support Force 920 Hospital/Yunnan Pain Hospital, China
Interests: PRP; Joint; Athletic injury; Arthritis; Cartilage injury; Musculoskeletal diseases

Qingdao University Affiliated Hospital, China
Interests: PRP; Joint; Arthritis; Meniscus injury; Discogenic low back pain
Special Issue Information
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a preparation of autologous human plasma with an increased platelet concentration, produced by centrifuging a large volume of a patient’s own blood. PRP is increasingly used in tissue repair and is a promising treatment for various musculoskeletal diseases. It plays a role in regulating cell migration, division, differentiation, tissue angiogenesis, extracellular matrix synthesis, and vascular repair during tissue regeneration and repair. Applications in orthopedics, sports medicine, burn and plastic surgery, and chronic refractory wound repair have shown satisfactory results. However, evidence of its efficacy varies significantly depending on the specific indication. Additional high-quality clinical trials with extended follow-up periods will be crucial in refining our understanding of this treatment. This publication aims to present some of the latest advances in PRP treatment to improve therapeutic outcomes for PRP patients.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP); Tissue regeneration; Musculoskeletal therapy; Clinical efficacy; Regenerative medicine
Manuscript Submission Information
Author registration and submission: https://ojs.bbwpublisher.com/index.php/BAS/login. Submit your paper along with a cover letter, including the special issue title. Your paper will undergo a fair peer review and be published immediately after acceptance and will be available to an international audience.