Experiences of Practical Nurses in Promoting the Rehabilitation of the Elderly and Their Education – A Secondary Publication
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Rehabilitation-promoting nursing care
Elderly service system
Practical nurse education
Organizational practices
Functional capacity



Submitted : 2024-04-21
Accepted : 2024-05-06
Published : 2024-05-21


The significance of rehabilitation-promoting nursing care is emphasized in aging Finland. According to studies, rehabilitation-promoting nursing care enhances the functional capacity of the elderly. The Elderly Services Act obliges municipalities to create a plan to support the elderly population, emphasizing home care and rehabilitation measures. A large portion of graduated practical nurses will be working with the elderly, so the education of practical nurses must meet the needs of the workforce. The study aimed to produce new information on the implementation of rehabilitation-promoting nursing care in the elderly service system and on the education of rehabilitation-promoting nursing care for the elderly in vocational institutions. The research data was collected in the autumn of 2020 through individual thematic interviews with practical nurse students (n = 8). The data was analyzed using inductive content analysis. Practical nurse students’ experiences of rehabilitation-promoting nursing care for the elderly were related to nurses’ time management, organizational practices, nursing competence, nurses’ attitudes, nurses’ practices, organizational development, implementation and development of practical education, factors affecting the use of aids, and technological aspects of aids in the future. In conclusion, it can be stated that the content of education and practical work life do not align. It is essential to increase competence in rehabilitation-promoting nursing care and to develop organizational practices.


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