Scientific and Social Research <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Scientific and Social Research (SSR)</em>&nbsp;publishes papers devoted to quantitative social science research and methodology. The journal features articles that illustrate the use of quantitative methods to empirically test social science theory. The journal emphasizes research concerned with issues or methods that cut across traditional disciplinary lines. Special attention is given to methods that have been used by only one particular social science discipline, but that may have application to a broader range of areas with an ultimate goal of testing social science theory.&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Its articles yield new insights into established practices, evaluate new techniques and research, examine current social problems, and bring serious critical analysis to bear on problems in the profession.&nbsp;Review chapters typically cover social processes, institutions and culture, organizations, political and economic sociology, stratification, demography, urban sociology, social policy, historical sociology, and major developments in sociology in other regions of the world. Major emphasis is placed on social policy and the solutions to serious human problems.</p> Bio-Byword Scientific Publishing PTY LTD en-US Scientific and Social Research 2661-4332 Research on the Construction of an Emergency Group Injury Classification Management Model based on the Six Sigma Methodology <p><em>Objective</em>: This study aimed to investigate an effective management model for coping with critical incident group injuries. <em>Methods</em>: The study started and ended from January 2022 to December 2023, in which 68 patients with critical incident group injuries admitted from January 2022 to December 2022 were selected as the control group in the conventional management mode, and 76 patients with critical incident group injuries admitted in the hospital were selected as the study group in the classification management mode based on the Six Sigma method to compare the management effects of the two groups. The management effects of the two groups were compared. <em>Results</em>: The study group took less time to rescue than the control group, and the resuscitation success rate was higher than that of the control group (<em>P</em> &lt; 0.05). <em>Conclusion</em>: The classification management model based on the Six Sigma method is effective and can be popularized and applied in medical institutions.</p> Jun Ding Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-03 2024-06-03 6 5 1 6 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6912 Analysis of the Design of Household First Aid Kits <p>In the post-epidemic era today, people are increasingly concerned about health issues and have a newer understanding of home health, which in turn is accompanied by the expansion of home healthcare needs. As an important household healthcare device, the demand for first aid kits is also gradually rising, further highlighting the need for them. Although it plays an important role as a home medical care device, deficiencies such as simple structure, lack of function, and lack of intelligence are also presented. Based on this the first aid kit will be transformed and upgraded, innovating the design of its internal and external structure, overall function, and other aspects, to create a set of diverse functions and an intelligent medical care system, so that the family health care can better integrated into people’s lives.</p> Mei Feng Zhichuan Feng Xingyue Liao Shiqiang Huang Jun Tao Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 6 5 7 13 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6875 Self-employed Work in Northeast China County Regions: From Traditional Workers to Store Owners <p>Northeast China has experienced economic and industrial transformation, especially in the county regions. More and more self-employers are arising in the Northeast County regions. After the reform and marketization, the stable working space once constructed by the national capital quickly lost its advantage and disappeared. Now there is nearly no industry in most counties of Northeast China, so laid-off workers who stay there are widely forced to employ themselves in self-owned businesses. They are using small family capital to create new working spaces in the store, and at the same time create new ways of working and social relationships. The new working and living spaces are highly embedded into each other, which means an integration of store and family. Their daily life, family, and social relations are all closely connected with working. They are also continuously reproducing a stable structure of working and living by intergenerational succession.</p> Jing Ning Wei Zhao Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 6 5 14 19 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6872 A Study on the Self-presentation of Ethnic Minority Youth on Short Videos <p>This study conducts an in-depth study on the self-presentation behavior of ethnic minority youth on the short video platform, and aims to reveal the characteristics and values behind it. As an important participant of the short video platform, the self-presentation behavior of ethnic minority youth has an important social value. This study analyzes the self-presentation behavior of ethnic minority youth on the short video platform from the perspectives of impression management and background and also notes the possible negative effects of the short video platform. It is expected to further promote social attention to and respect for ethnic minority cultures to build a harmonious and diversified social environment.</p> Qingyi Fu Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 6 5 20 24 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6876 Comparative Analysis of Chloroplast Genome Variation and Evolutionary Analysis of the Endangered Species Dendrobium flexicaule and its Relative Species <p>Globally, the genus Dendrobium (Family: Orchidaceae) exhibits widespread distribution, predominantly occupying the tropical and subtropical areas of Asia. Although the chloroplast genomes (cpDNAs) of certain Dendrobium species have been documented, the evolutionary relationships among these species remain largely unexplored. In this pioneering investigation, a comprehensive analysis of the complete cpDNAs from Dendrobium species is presented, including Dendrobium flexicaule along with three closely related taxa (D. nobile, D. officinale, and D. huoshanense). The size of the novel complete cpDNAs ranged from 150,529 to 152,588 bp, and their cpDNA structure exhibits a unique quadrifoliate structure reminiscent of female quadrivalents, including large single copy, small single copy (SSC), and inverted repeat regions. A total of 175 simple sequence repeats were identified in the D. flexicaule cpDNA. A few pseudogenes of the NA(D)H dehydrogenase-like (NDH) genes were found in the annotated cpDNAs of the four Dendrobium species. Within the shared pseudogenes ndhF and ndhG, ndhF frequently undergoes mutations. Additionally, the phylogenetic analysis showed that D. flexicaule and D. scoriarum were close sister species. The research findings provide crucial genetic information for the molecular phylogenetic system of D. flexicaule.</p> Le Wang Xue Liu Jie Zhang Xingjia Ming Shu Shu Xianyou Qu Jiayi Zhang Junsheng Qi Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-13 2024-06-13 6 5 25 42 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6880 A Study on Nyonya Food Culture from the Perspective of Cross-Cultural Adaptation Theory <p>Nyonya food culture is a unique blend of Chinese and Malay culinary traditions. Drawing from John Berry’s cross-cultural adaptation theory, this paper delves into the formation, development, and dissemination characteristics of Nyonya cuisine. The analysis reveals that the Chinese immigrants in Malacca primarily adopted an integration strategy during their cross-cultural adaptation, which is evident in the localization of food ingredients, cooking techniques, taste preferences, and dining etiquette. As a symbol of food culture, Nyonya cuisine has played a crucial role in helping the Nyonya ethnic group establish their identity in Southeast Asia, where diverse ethnic groups coexist. Furthermore, as a product of cross-cultural exchange, Nyonya food’s inherent adaptability and integration have made it an essential medium for fostering intercultural communication and understanding.</p> Jiejing Tang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 6 5 43 49 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6881 Study on the Area of Waiting Space in the Old Area of a Tertiary Hospital Based on AnyLogic Simulation <p>The waiting space is the place where patients stay the longest during the entire medical treatment process, and the adequacy of its spatial area to the number of waiting patients has a significant impact on the treatment experience. Due to the continuous expansion of the medical scale and the increasing outpatient volume, congestion in the waiting areas of the old area of tertiary hospitals in Guangzhou is common, seriously reducing patients’ medical experience. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the optimal waiting area space in the old area based on the number of consultation rooms and evaluate the current situation of the waiting area to optimize the waiting area reasonably. Taking the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University as an example, this study determines the daily outpatient volume of departments under specific consultation room numbers, uses AnyLogic to simulate the medical treatment process of patients, outputs the change in the number of patients in the first waiting area. Based on the mean and peak number of waiting patients during peak hours, the study calculates the areas required for “generally adequate” and “specially adequate” waiting space respectively. These are then compared with the current area to evaluate the adequacy of the current waiting space.</p> Jing He Haoxu Guo Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 6 5 50 57 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6884 Non-destructive Banana Quality Assessment and Quality and Safety Monitoring using Spectral Imaging Technology <p>This thesis discusses a method to realize non-destructive banana quality assessment and quality and safety monitoring using spectral imaging technology. As one of the important agricultural products in China, the quality and safety of bananas have always attracted much attention. Traditional quality assessment methods often require destroying bananas, but this method uses spectral imaging technology to realize the assessment of banana quality by measuring and analyzing the spectral characteristics of bananas. At the same time, this method also utilizes spectroscopic technology to detect harmful substances in bananas to realize the safety monitoring of banana quality. The experimental results show that the method has high accuracy and reliability, and can be used as a rapid, efficient, non-destructive means of banana quality assessment and quality and safety monitoring.</p> Dongmei Zou Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 6 5 58 64 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6887 A Study on the Influence of ESP Teaching Strategies on Reflective Thinking, Academic Self-Efficacy, and Achievement Motivation <p>This study aims to investigate the impact of teaching English for specific purposes (ESP) teaching strategies on English learners’ reflective thinking, academic self-efficacy, and achievement motivation. The research first introduces the theoretical background and related concepts of ESP strategies, including their application in English education, and delves into the theoretical foundation and relevant studies of ESP strategies, laying the groundwork for subsequent research. Secondly, the study elucidates the concept of reflective thinking, clearly defines the measurement standards of reflective thinking in the study, and explores how ESP strategies cultivate students’ reflective thinking, especially in specific fields or disciplines. Furthermore, the study discusses the concept of academic self-efficacy, clearly defines the measurement standards of self-efficacy in the study, and investigates how ESP strategies enhance students’ academic self-efficacy, boosting their confidence and motivation. Finally, it explains the importance of achievement motivation, clearly defines the measurement standards of achievement motivation in the study, and examines how ESP strategies influence students’ achievement motivation, particularly motivation related to specific professional field goals.</p> Xiaochao Yao Lin Shi Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 6 5 65 69 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6888 Media Platform is “Passive”: the Study of the User’s Re-domestication Behavior of the Algorithm <p>While digital platforms control user behavior through algorithms, users are also using algorithms to achieve their own goals. Based on the domestication theory, this paper explores the mechanism of algorithmic behavior when users use social platforms through in-depth interviews. This paper finds that under the influence of platform content, privacy management, platform functions, and personal emotions, users will adopt the re-domestication strategy of transfer, resistance, and reconstruction. This study extends the explanatory power of domestication theory to social platforms and also provides new thinking on the relationship between humans and technology.</p> Yiqing Wang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 6 5 70 75 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6889 Response, News, and Observation: Typologies of Communication in VR Documentaries <p>The combination of virtual reality (VR) technology and documentary style creates VR documentaries with distinctive image characteristics. This kind of image with its special spatial interaction, sense of presence, and immersion counters the one-way cognitive thinking of traditional documentary and reshapes its media properties with VR technology, which in turn generates new perception, identity, emotional experience, and understanding in the context of virtual immersive documentary image dissemination.</p> Guohao Dou Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 6 5 76 81 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6890 The Transition of the United States from World Leader to Hegemony During the Cold War <p>This text scrutinizes how, during the span of the Cold War, particularly at the commencement of hostilities, the United States metamorphosed from a world leader to a dominion of hegemonic might. It perceives the Cold War as a period of ideological corruption within a nation’s ethos. The article first assesses the United States’ geopolitical status before World War II and signs of its role as a world leader, then discusses the role and performance of the United States as a world leader through its actions during and after World War II. Subsequently, it analyzes the transition to U.S. hegemony, using Modelski’s model and Wallerstein’s theory to study the shift in U.S. global strategy and influence, with key events such as the Marshall Plan. The article also examines the ideological shift within the United States during this period, including the impacts of policies from Roosevelt to Truman to Eisenhower. This study provides a comprehensive understanding of key shifts in the geopolitical image of the United States during the Cold War. It bridges geopolitical analysis with critical theory, providing fresh insights into the subtleties of U.S. foreign policy and its global impact.</p> Yiyun Zhao Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 6 5 82 90 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6689 On the Moral Considerations of Machiavelli’s “De-Moralization” of Politics <p>Machiavelli was an influential political thinker during the Western European Renaissance period, and his work “The Prince” has been a subject of controversy for proposing the “de-moralization” of politics. However, an in-depth study of his writings reveals a profound moral consideration for people, the populace, and the state, which aids in a more comprehensive understanding of Machiavelli’s true thoughts.</p> Xiaorong Wang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 6 5 91 96 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6892 Microbial Chaff Reinforcement: Preparation and Performance Study of a Soil Stabilizer <p>The fungus bran is the waste of the fruiting body of edible fungi, which is rich in a variety of protein and fiber, amino acids, polysaccharides, enzymes, and other nutrients, and has high reuse value. In this study, the fungus bran produced by desert Tremella was used as the raw material to prepare the fungus bran which could provide plant nutrients and water retention function. After 7 days of experiments, it was found that the sand fixation material had good water retention performance and significantly increased the aggregate performance of the sand. The results of FTIR and SEM analysis showed that the sand chaff was involved in the agglomeration process of sand, and the sand and the chaff were well combined, with a better spatial network structure and surface morphology. Therefore, it is a great prospect to explore the reuse of solid waste of fungal bran in desert afforestation.</p> Shuhe Cui Mengrui Wang Donghui Fan Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 6 5 97 104 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6894 The Effect of Herding Behavior on the Efficiency of Pedestrian Evacuation in Subway Stations <p>In the emergency evacuation of pedestrians in subway stations, most people do not know the correct evacuation routes and methods, and tend to follow others blindly, resulting in herding behavior. To study the process of pedestrian evacuation with herding behavior in subway stations, a cellular automata pedestrian evacuation model is established to simulate the pedestrian evacuation with herding behavior in subway stations, and the effects of the weight coefficients of the parameters in the model on the overall evacuation time and the distribution of people’s positions are investigated to quantify the effects of herding on the efficiency of the pedestrian evacuation and the movement behavior. The simulation results show that moderate (k<sub>C</sub> &lt; 40) crowd behavior can play a beneficial role in reducing reaction time and guiding the direction of evacuation; on the contrary, excessive crowd behavior (k<sub>C</sub> &gt; 40) will lead to an increase in evacuation time and a decrease in evacuation efficiency. The conclusions presented in this paper can help to improve the efficiency of pedestrian evacuation in emergencies and provide a theoretical basis and practical guidance for the management of safety evacuation in subway stations.</p> Yushun Bao Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 6 5 105 111 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6897 Exploring the Innovative Path of Cultivating Social-Emotional Competence of Adolescents in the Digital Era <p>With the arrival of the digital era, the growing environment of adolescents has changed significantly, and the cultivation of social-emotional competence also faces new challenges and opportunities. Starting from analyzing the new requirements for adolescents’ social-emotional competence in the digital era, this paper actively explores the current situation and deficiencies of adolescents’ social-emotional competence cultivation and puts forward strategies and suggestions for innovating the path of adolescents’ social-emotional competence cultivation in the digital era. Through the integration of digital educational resources, the use of new media technology, the promotion of emotional education courses, and the strengthening of home-school cooperation, schools can effectively help adolescents better adapt to the social environment of the digital era, enhance their social-emotional competence, and promote their overall development.</p> Chunfa Huang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 6 5 112 119 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6898 A Literature Review of China’s Smart Elderly Care Industry <p>With the aging population in China, the issue of elderly care has gradually become a topic of concern in today’s society. Traditional elderly care models can no longer meet the needs of contemporary elderly people. Therefore, smart elderly care, as a new type of elderly care model formed by the development of information technology, can provide efficient, convenient, and personalized services for the elderly, with broad market prospects and development space. Therefore, the smart elderly care industry is also receiving increasing attention from researchers, and the number of related papers is also increasing year by year. This article uses China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) as the database source and conducts a search under the theme of “smart elderly care industry” in the search box. A visual analysis is conducted on 525 articles found from 2013 to 2024. It is found that research on the smart elderly care industry in China began in 2013, and the annual circulation of related papers has been on the rise since 2019. This paper reviews the literature on three research directions including problems and strategies of the smart elderly care industry, the elderly care industry under Internet plus and artificial intelligence, and related policies of the smart elderly care industry. Through analysis, it finds that some researchers are committed to studying some problems of the smart elderly care industry, and put forward some suggestions, such as establishing a unified smart elderly care service standard and finding an appropriate industrial integration path based on the needs of the elderly. Some researchers believe that the Internet and artificial intelligence will bring opportunities to the elderly care industry, help to accurately position the market, and meet the needs of the elderly. Some policy researchers have also found that the Chinese government is increasingly valuing the smart elderly care industry. Hence, by summarizing and evaluating the current situation, development, and related policies of the smart elderly care industry, this study hopes to provide some ideas and directions for researchers in the research of the smart elderly care industry.</p> Wen Zhao Lokemin Foo Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 6 5 120 125 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6902 Research on Information Data Security of University Archives <p>Under the background of the rapid development of information technology, the information technology of university archives has become an important part of the modernization of education management. However, in this process, the problem of data security has become increasingly prominent, which has become a major obstacle restricting the in-depth development of university archives informatization. In the face of security threats such as data leakage and network attacks, this paper proposes a series of systematic protection countermeasures, aiming at providing a safe and reliable data environment for university archive informatization, ensuring the integrity and availability of information resources, and thus promoting the improvement of university management efficiency and the optimal allocation of education resources.</p> Min Feng Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 6 5 126 131 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6970 Civil Diplomacy and Civil Society Breaking the Traditional Diplomatic Model: A Case Study of Civil Organizations and Civil Diplomacy in Chinese Society <p>Civil society organizations and Civil Diplomacy are some of the important research contents of diplomacy, as well as the emerging diplomatic groups and organizations in the post-epidemic era. Broadly speaking, civil society organizations refer to social intermediary organizations other than government parties, enterprises, and institutions. The development of China’s civil diplomacy is a multi-dimensional and multi-level process, that plays an important role in China’s diplomatic system, and its development not only reflects the changes in China’s relations with the world but also the transformation of China’s foreign policy and the construction of great power diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. In the past, national and international organizations that participated in diplomatic activities in the image of the state did not have the figures of civil organizations. After the epidemic, more and more civil organizations express their political positions and values through the power of public opinion and the media to indirectly change the pattern of the international community, and use their power to enhance the soft power of official diplomacy, which has become an indispensable voice and force in today’s international community. Here, this paper will take Chinese civil diplomacy and civil society as examples to analyze the reasons, impacts, and prospects of the development of civil diplomacy in international governance.</p> Zhuanghong Tong Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 6 5 132 137 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6978 Historical Origins and Festive Activities of the Westward Migration Festival of the Sibe Tribe in China <p>The Sibe people, an ancient ethnic group in China, accomplished the historical feat of moving westward to Xinjiang to settle and garrison the border in the Qianlong period, making important contributions to the defense and construction of China’s western frontier. The Westward Migration Festival is the carrier of the historical memory of the westward migration of the Sibe people, which embodies the ethnic cultural characteristics of the Sibe people, inherits the spirit of westward migration, and has an important value and role in the construction of the sense of community of the Chinese ethnic in the western frontier region. This paper collects and organizes the research results related to the history and culture of the westward migration of the Sibe people, and summarizes the historical origin and ceremonial activities of the Westward Migration Festival to provide reference for further research work in the future.</p> Danya Liu Hui Jiang Yujun Sun Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 6 5 138 143 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6933 A Study on English-to-Chinese Translation Strategies of Country Driving from the Perspective of Newmark’s Translation <p><em>Country Driving</em> is one of the China trilogy by American writer Peter Hessler. Based on what he saw and heard in his driving around mainland China, he presents with concise language and rich cultural connotations. Its simplified Chinese version was translated by the translator Li Xueshun. Since its publication, it has been well-received by the majority of readers, which proves its literary and documentary value. <em>Country Driving</em> is a typical non-fiction literature work. Based on Newmark’s theory, this paper will analyze the Chinese translation version of <em>Country Driving </em>under the guidance of communicative translation and semantic translation in terms of language structure, rhetoric, culture-loaded words, and special language forms. It is hoped that this paper will enrich the research on the translation of non-fiction Chinese translation literary works and provide some references for future translation practice of documentary literature from the perspective of Newmark’s translation theory.</p> Yanhong Zhang Jie Feng Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 6 5 144 150 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6945 Construction of University Teaching and Academic Community from the Perspective of Digital Transformation <p>Under the background of digital transformation, the construction of the university teaching and academic community is of great significance for promoting educational innovation and improving the quality of talent training. By strengthening the construction of digital infrastructure, promoting the professional development of teachers, constructing a digital learning platform, and establishing a scientific research cooperation mechanism, an effective university teaching and academic community can be built. This will help promote exchanges and cooperation between teachers and students, improve teaching quality and scientific research level, and cultivate more talents with innovative and practical abilities for society.</p> Shanshan Li Wei Cheng Ruochun Gao Yuchen Wang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 6 5 151 156 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6986 Investigate the Role of Environmental NGOs in Global Sustainable Development and Environmental Governance <p>This paper explores the role of environmental NGOs in global ecological sustainability and environmental management through an empirical approach. Multiple case studies of environmental NGOs have demonstrated positive benefits in promoting environmental regulations, popularizing environmental knowledge, and guiding ecological conservation and restoration. Environmental NGOs around the world, with their public participation and advocacy of environmental protection, not only play an important role in safeguarding biodiversity and preventing environmental damage but also provide opportunities for the public to participate in environmental management. On this issue, this paper also has an in-depth discussion on the problems existing in environmental NGOs in many fields such as environmental education, financing, and implementation consistency, and is willing to provide suggestions for the further improvement of global environmental management strategies, and then promote the better realization of global sustainable development goals.</p> Ningxin Dong Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 6 5 157 163 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6955 Research on Evaluating Information Security Level Protection by Data Mining Method <p>Information technology’s continuous development and progress can bring great changes to society, which is also born in the hierarchical protection of information systems. Among them, grade protection evaluation is the key part, and methods to find useful information from its complicated evaluation data to assist decision-making have become an important content of research. Aiming at the evaluation process of data mining, this article intends to analyze the classical algorithms of association rules. The Apriori algorithm and FP-growth, two common and representative algorithms, are chosen as a comparison. Finally, it is found that the performance of the latter is better than that of the former. The rationality of association rules is proved by analysis to better assist the evaluators in the evaluation work and reduce the misjudgment of the evaluation results.</p> Wenying Jing Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 6 5 164 173 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6999 Cultural Communication and Cross-Cultural Communication in Script Translation <p>As a kind of cross-cultural communication, translation is the information exchange between two different cultures. In cross-cultural translation, the translator should try to match the translated language and the translated language culture. The translator should not only pay attention to the meaning of the original text, but also pay attention to the cultural connotation of the target language, and achieve the organic combination of the two. To achieve this purpose, translators must take the source language as the starting point, and comprehensively restore the vocabulary, the sentence pattern, the structure, the emotion, and the way of thinking of the source language. When translating the original text, the cultural information contained in the source language should be integrated with the translation according to the characteristics of the translated language environment and the audience. From the perspective of the translation of the drama script, this paper discusses cultural exchange and cross-cultural exchange, hoping to be helpful to the peers.</p> Chunmeng Zuo Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 6 5 174 179 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.7002 Exploratory Study on “Silver Age” Intellectual Inheritance Model in the Context of Positive Aging <p>Positive aging has become a social consensus, so China is promoting the implementation of a national strategy to actively cope with population aging. “Silver age” intellectual inheritance in China is not only of great significance but also has very favorable conditions. To this end, it is necessary to promote intellectual inheritance and strengthen publicity to create a favorable social atmosphere suitable for “silver age” intellectual inheritance by making corresponding institutional arrangements and policy adjustments to provide fundamental protection for “silver age” groups. The government should promote economic development and increase financial investment to provide a better environment for “silver age” intellectual inheritance. This can provide more support and opportunities, improve the service system, innovation and enrichment of the inheritance form, and enhance the adaptability and stability of the “silver age” group in social development.</p> Ming Fu Xinyang Du Haojian Xu Jiahui Fan Jingting Li Zhijun Yu Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 6 5 180 186 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6854 Analysis of the Development of Drones and their Application in the Logistics Field <p>This study discusses the evolution of drone technology and its application in the logistics field, analyzes its impact on the logistics industry, and predicts future development trends. Through case study and technology comparison, this article thoroughly researches the technological development, classification, characteristics of drones, and their application in the logistics field. The application of drones in the logistics field has gradually become widespread, and it shows significant advantages in the aspects of aerial transportation of cargo, inventory management of warehouses, and planning of distribution routes. The results show that drone not only improves logistics efficiency and reduce cost but also have a unique value in special environments and emergencies.</p> Qi Zhao Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 6 5 187 192 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6845 The Hermitage of Santa Marina in Villamartín de Sotoscueva (Burgos) as a Refuge for the Community: To Protect a Building with Writings and Paintings in 1456 — A Secondary Publication <p>The Marina was built by the council of Villamartín de Sotoscueva (Burgos) in 1456, according to the inscription painted on its apse. This paper states that this hermitage was built in a violent environment by the nobility’s onslaught against the council powers, and the neighborhood protected its interior and exterior with a series of surprising mural paintings of an apotropaic nature, as well as the roof, through a tile inscribed with verses from the Poem of Fernán González, contemporary to the building. All of this responds to concepts inscribed in the popular culture of the medieval imaginary, expressed through visual and written clues.</p> José Miguel Lorenzo Arribas Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 6 5 193 206 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.7048 Contribution of Teachers’ Qualification Level on Employability in African Economies, through Econometric Estimation of the Generalized Method of Moments, 2016–2020 — A Secondary Publication <p>Both education and its quality supply are closely linked to employability and labour productivity. The present study aimed to analyze the contribution of the level of teacher qualification on the employability variable in African economies, for the period 2016–2020. Regarding the methodology, a quantitative analysis of the data was conducted through the Generalized Method of Moments in Differences, two stages and with standard error correction. Based on the results, it was possible to determine the existence of a negative, inverse and significant relationship between the degree of qualification of teachers on the unemployment rate; therefore, it could be concluded that a higher level of qualification of teachers has a direct contribution on the increase in the levels of employability for the African business sector. Through the results of Hansen’s Test (<em>P</em>-value = 0.540), the validity of the model’s specificity in terms of instrument utilization was tested. Based on the first (<em>P</em>-value = 0.009) and second order (<em>P</em>-value = 0.148) autocorrelation tests, the validity of the consistency of the Generalized Method of Moments econometric estimators in differences, two stages and with corrected standard errors was tested.</p> Jessica Sosa Carpio María Claudia Alicia García Febres Olga Maribel Paredes Montoya Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 6 5 207 221 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.7059 Application of Spray Coating in the Fabrication of Free Standing Nanocellulose Films and Barrier Coating on the Paper Substrates <p>Spray coating is a novel concept for fabricating free-standing film and producing barrier coating on paper substrates. The spraying gives comparable efficacy with vacuum filtration in terms of operation time, film quality, and process intensification approach. The smooth films created by spraying nanocellulose onto the polished impermeable surface could serve as a platform for a variety of sustainable functional devices. Finally, the application of spray-coating barriers and nanocellulose films on paper substrates is the focus of the spray-coating concept designed to create smooth nanocellulose films. One of the most important factors that affect the performance of different cellulose-based functional materials is the smoothness of nanocellulose film coated with sprays in the production of flexible and printed electronics. The uses of nanocellulose film as a high-performance barrier material and the possible replacement of synthetic plastic packaging are expanded by spray coatings. The process of creating a nanocellulose film using spray coating takes less than a minute. Compared to vacuum filtering, this method offers excellent speed potential for nanocellulose films. The wet layer of spray coating takes more than 24 hours to dry in a controlled laboratory environment, using air drying. Future research projects will improve the drying process of wet films. The film spray process serves as a proof of concept, and the quality of the film produced by this method contrasts with vacuum filtration. Studying spray coating wet film drying outside the scope of this research is not part of the scope of this study, and additional research is needed in this area. The shiny film that is created by spraying nanocellulose on the impermeable polished surface can serve as a platform for various sustainable functional devices.</p> Kirubanandan Shanmugam Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 6 5 222 245 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6207 Study on Effects of Hydrothermal Heat Treatment Method on Fertilizer Efficiency of Biomass Waste <p>This study explores a new way of utilizing biomass waste as fertilizer based on the hydrothermal heat treatment method. Hydrothermal heat treatment was carried out on common biomass waste, including corn stalks, livestock manure, and vegetable waste. by heating them to 120°C and then to 240°C respectively, while measuring the contents of organic matter, total nutrients, and humus in hydrothermal solid products. The experimental results are as follows. With the increase in temperature, the pH of three kinds of biomass waste hydrothermal products is reduced to different degrees. The content of organic matter in the solid products of corn stalk increased with the increase of temperature, the content of organic matter in the hydrothermal products of vegetable waste was opposite to that of corn stalk, and the content of organic matter in the hydrothermal solid products of pig manure was higher than 30% at different temperatures. The total nutrient content of the hydrothermal product of corn stalk decreased first and then increased with the increase of temperature, and reached the minimum value of 10.12 g/L at 180°C. The total nutrient content of the solid product of vegetable waste showed a negative correlation with temperature, and the total nutrient content of the raw material of pig manure was 60.55 g/kg. The total nutrient content of solid products after different hydrothermal temperature treatments was 41.8–59.03 g/kg, which was lower than that of raw materials. With the increase of temperature, the humic acid content of the solid product of corn stalk first increased and then decreased, the humic acid content of hydrothermal product of pig manure continued to increase with the increase of temperature, and the humic acid content of hydrothermal product of vegetable continued to increase with the increase of temperature. At 210°C, the contents of humic acid and fulvic acid reached the maximum, and the humification rate reached the maximum of 0.856.</p> Chuanyang Xu Jianheng Tang Ying Yang Qing Xu Geng Cao Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 6 5 246 254 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6860 The Impact of Air Pollution Regulations on High-Quality Economic Development <p>The pursuit of high-quality economic development is a critical challenge in the context of increasing environmental concerns, particularly air pollution. This study delves into the efficacy of environmental regulations in fostering economic growth that is both sustainable and of high quality. Utilizing the entropy weight method, an index system for high-quality economic development is established, and a comprehensive analysis of panel data from 30 provinces in China, spanning from 2008 to 2020, is conducted through a two-way fixed differential model. The study examines the regional heterogeneity in the impact of policy and explores the mediating roles of industrial structure upgrading and technological innovation in advancing high-quality economic development within regions prioritized by policy. The findings reveal that regulatory policies can indeed enhance high-quality economic development, albeit with regional disparities observed between the eastern and central regions. The paper concludes with a set of targeted recommendations for policy implementation.</p> Fangyuan Lou Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 6 5 255 260 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6862 Application of the Beauty of Meaning in Chinese Sculpture Art <p>Chinese sculpturing is a significant form of expression in traditional Chinese art. Like other traditional art forms, Chinese sculpture art is also deeply influenced by the philosophical ideas of its predecessors, striving for the beauty of subtle and implicit meaning in artistic expression. This article provides a brief interpretation of the beauty of meaning in Chinese sculpture art, with a focus on analyzing its application in Chinese sculpture art. This article analyzes the role of the beauty of meaning in the development of Chinese sculpture art from the fields of lines, blocks, surfaces, spatial patterns, and freehand brushwork, to provide reference and inspiration for relevant artists and sculpture designers.</p> Xingjian Lu Chang Pan Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 6 5 261 264 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6855 Interpreting the Symbolism of “Flowers” in Sons and Lovers by David Herbert Lawrence <p>David Herbert Lawrence is one of the major writers of 20th-century English literature. His representative works include Sons and Lovers, The Rainbow, and Women in Love, which cover different fields such as novels, poems, essays, and dramas. He is known for his depiction of human emotions, sexuality, and social issues. His novel Sons and Lovers uses symbolism skillfully and intensely, in which darkness, coal mine, sunset, the moon, flowers, and so on are imagery. The use of this imagery profoundly reveals the complex emotions and feelings of the characters, thus better interpreting the various psychological activities deep inside the characters as well as the complex relationships between the characters. This paper contains two parts. The first part discusses the functions of symbolism in this novel, including four aspects: enriching the meaning, revealing the characters in depth, intensifying the emotional experience, and focusing on the theme. The second part focuses on the three aspects of the symbolism represented by the “flowers”, namely, the “flower” as a symbol of family, the “flower” as a symbol of freedom, and the “flower” as a symbol of growth and change. Through these interpretations, this study hopes to interpret the main idea of the novel in a deeper way and to enable readers to have a better understanding of the characters, the plot, the relationship between the characters, and the use of symbolism in the novel.</p> Xuanxuan Zhong Qingxian Chen Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 6 5 265 270 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6864 Measures for Investment Risk Management of Enterprise Technological Innovation Projects <p>Enterprise technological innovation project investment risk management refers to the enterprise taking a series of measures to manage and control possible investment risks when making technological innovation project investment decisions. Investment risks in technological innovation projects refer to various risks that may have a negative impact on investment due to the uncertainty of technological innovation and changes in the market environment. This article, from an industry professional perspective, analyzes and discusses measures for investment risk management of corporate technological innovation projects.</p> Xuanyi Huang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 6 5 271 277 10.26689/ssr.v6i5.6871