Education Reform and Development <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Educational Reform and Development (ERD)&nbsp;</em>is a peer-reviewed, open-access international professional academic journal. It aims to reflect the latest achievements of educational reform and development, explore the laws of education, and serve to deepen educational reform and prosper education science. The main readers of this journal are principals, teachers, education administrators, education researchers, and enthusiastic comrades of large, middle and primary schools.&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The journal accepts high quality articles that are solving educational research problems by using a review approach. This may include thematic or methodological reviews, or meta-analyses. The journal does not limit its scope to any age range. The journal invites articles on the broad range of settings in which people learn and are educated (school settings, corporate training, formal or informal settings, etc.).</p> Bio-Byword Scientific Publishing en-US Education Reform and Development 2652-5364 Discussion on the Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Mining Geological Exploration <p>With the rapid development of science and technology, artificial intelligence technology has been widely used in various fields, including mining geological exploration field is no exception. Artificial intelligence technology has brought revolutionary changes to mining geological exploration, its application in mining geological exploration, not only can improve the efficiency and accuracy of mining geological exploration, but also greatly reduce the cost of mine exploration, and improve the safety and reliability of exploration. At present, the application of artificial intelligence technology in mining geological exploration, mainly three-dimensional visual technology, machine learning algorithm, remote sensing image recognition technology, natural language processing technology, intelligent data analysis technology, and so on, has provided strong support for mining geological exploration work.</p> Xiuliang Zhang Tadiwa Elisha Nyamasvisva Chuntao Liu Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 1 6 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7254 Reform and Development of College Music Teaching under the Background of Big Data <p>With the progress of the times, big data has gradually influenced the daily lives of people and is gradually changing the ways people learn. Big data plays a role in the field of college music education, changing college music education methods significantly. The use of big data technology can make teaching resources more abundant and teaching methods more diversified, which improves the efficiency and quality of college music education. The application of big data has long been the norm in the field of education. As an innovative educational means, colleges should make full use of the advantages of big data to promote college music education and to cultivate the growth of students.</p> Jie Xu Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 7 12 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7325 Study on the Ideological and Political Smart Teaching Model for Higher Vocational English Curriculum Based on the Production-Oriented Approach <p>With the comprehensive promotion of ideological and political education in college curricula, the reform of ideological and political education in higher vocational English curricula has also been fully implemented. To explore the integration of ideological and political education with English teaching based on the production-oriented approach (POA) theory, the paper proposes an innovative smart teaching model of integrated learning and application based on language context under the theory of ideological and political education in the curriculum, guiding students to engage in production-oriented language learning and achieving good learning outcomes. Based on this, the paper analyzes and studies the ideological and political smart teaching model of vocational English courses based on POA, and takes the comprehensive English course in Chongzuo Preschool Education College as an example to explore in depth for reference.</p> Shanshan Mo Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 6 5 13 19 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7318 Research on Aesthetic Education in Higher Vocational Colleges based on Traditional Tea Ceremony <p>Tea is a traditional Chinese drink, which is not only welcomed and loved by the older generation but is also enjoyed by certain popularity in the world. From tea making and tea brewing to tea tasting in tea culture and tea etiquette, the tea ceremony with rising popularity is the subject of this study. In this regard, this study starts with the tea ceremony, hoping to find some innovative strategies for its integration into the process of aesthetic education in higher vocational colleges. This paper specifically discusses the core meaning of the traditional tea ceremony and aesthetics and points out that the tea ceremony is not only an art of life but also a cultural practice with deep philosophy. The study also points out its positive effects on higher vocational aesthetic education, including cultivating students’ consciousness of civilization and understanding of etiquette and developing students’ interests, hobbies, and specialties. Furthermore, based on the research conclusions, a series of feasible and effective practical strategies for promoting aesthetic education through tea ceremonies are proposed, hoping to provide more references for educators.</p> Xiaoxia Li Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 6 5 20 25 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7326 New Era Enterprise We-media Brand Communication Strategy <p>At present, information technology has been widely used in the daily lives of people, and social media has changed their daily living habits. In this context, the rapid development of we-media has become a hot issue in the current society, which brings new opportunities and challenges for corporate brand communication in the new era. Nowadays, people’s consumption habits have changed from the traditional offline to the combination of online and offline. In this regard, enterprises should constantly explore and innovate the concept and method of we-media brand communication. This paper will start from the importance of enterprise we-media brand communication, and analyze the characteristics and effective strategies of enterprise we-media brand communication in the new era.</p> Xichen Xu Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 26 31 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7255 An Analysis of the Path of Digital Transformation of Knowledge in Higher Education <p>The strategy of education digitization must be adapted to meet the challenge of the digital age and achieve the goal of education modernization. With the extensive use and deepening of information technology in the field of education, the progress of technology has made more and more obvious contributions to promoting the transformation of educational forms, expanding educational opportunities, redefining the campus environment, and optimizing learning methods. At present, global research on the digital reform of university education is still in its infancy, and more innovative thinking is needed to guide its development direction. It is foreseeable that the digital transformation of universities will revolutionize the education system, make education suitable for everyone, and make education fairer, higher quality, and more inclusive, thus improving the quality of higher education.</p> Chen Huang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 32 36 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7256 Discussion on the Teaching Reform of Basic Science of Traditional Chinese Medicine <p>This paper discusses the two major problems in the teaching process of the basic science of traditional Chinese medicine. One of the problems is that most of the students have learned the course of traditional Chinese medicine in previous colleges and universities, and they are familiar with the theoretical knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine. Students who follow the traditional teaching model will encounter many repetitive teaching contents, which will make the students feel unmotivated. The second problem is that the students come from different majors, different grades, and different regions, so their background and foundation of traditional Chinese medicine are uneven. According to the above problems, combined with the characteristics of students’ learning conditions, this study discusses the reform of the teaching of the basic science of Chinese medicine, including the integration of teaching materials, improving teaching methods, and putting forward some reform ideas such as hierarchical teaching guidance, which is of great significance for improving the quality of education.</p> Lixia Wu Jin Wang Ruiguo Quan Jiyan Xu Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 37 42 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7257 Optimization of Primary School English Classroom Teaching under the Digital Background <p>As digital technology is widely used in various fields, students are exposed to more and more information, and the way of learning knowledge has changed greatly. In primary school English teaching, teachers should combine the digital environment to optimize the classroom teaching structure and promote students’ independent learning. Based on this, this paper first analyzes the connotation of digital teaching and its application significance in primary school English curriculum, and then discusses relevant practical paths in combination with specific cases, to offer suggestions for the digital transformation of English teaching.</p> Yin Wu Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 43 48 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7259 Study on Teaching Reform of Urban Design Course for International Students Majoring in Urban and Rural Planning: A Case Study of Inner Mongolia Normal University <p>Urban design is the main course of the urban and rural planning major. Professional training of international students in China is faced with problems in teaching objectives, curriculum teaching, curriculum assessment system, and other aspects. This paper explores the characteristics of international students in teaching reform methods of China to solve the current talent training problems faced by international students in the urban and rural planning major.</p> Qian Dong Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 6 5 49 54 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7327 Study on the Training Model of the Combination of Production, University, and Research of Transportation Graduate Students <p>To solve the disjointed problems of teaching, research, and practice among schools, transportation planning departments, traffic management departments, and enterprises, a training model combining production, university, and research for transportation graduate students was established. The construction of a transportation engineering platform can provide a reference for the innovative training mode of engineering graduate students, and also provide ideas and means for the combination of production, study, and research of other majors. Under the operation of the scientific mode, it can achieve the goal of teaching and learning and the win-win situation of the school and enterprise to realize the effect of “one plus one is greater than two.”</p> Yongming He Wenhui Zhang Shuang Gu Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 55 60 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7260 Research on Financial and Economic Informatization Management Strategies <p>With the advent of the new era, financial and economic management has brought new challenges and opportunities. The reasonable application of financial and economic information management strategy can achieve the whole process of financial and economic supervision and management, integrate and analyze the massive information in financial and economic activities, help enterprises to improve the implementation of economic resources allocation, reduce the probability of economic risks, and improve the quality and efficiency of financial and economic management work. This paper discusses and analyzes the information management strategy of the financial economy.</p> Dongqi Liu Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 61 66 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7246 Landscape Design of Qingdao University Education under the Strategy of Marine Power <p>In the context of the strategy of marine power, this paper analyzes the connotation and significance of the strategy of marine power, discusses the current situation of educational landscape design in colleges and universities in Qingdao, and puts forward the forms and methods of integrating the strategy of marine power into the landscape design of colleges and universities, to provide references for the optimization and development of the landscape design of colleges and universities in Qingdao.</p> Yanming Li Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 6 5 67 73 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7323 Research on Talent Training Model from the Perspective of Post-Course Competition and Certificate: Taking Finance and Trade Majors as an Example <p>The country is presently in a period of rapid social and economic transformation, and the demand for talent in various sectors of society continues to rise. In the process of the construction and optimization of the personnel training model, higher vocational colleges should adapt to the trend of time and reform educational ideas according to students’ needs and employment orientation. In the process of the comprehensive promotion of the integration of production and education, higher vocational colleges should adhere to the integrated development mode of post-course competition certificates to improve the quality of talent training and promote the deepening integration and scientific application of educational resources and enterprise resources. In this context, this paper carries out research and proposes the reform strategy and practice path of talent training mode by analyzing the current situation of financial and commercial professional talent training under the integrated vision of post-course competition and certificate.</p> Ying Wang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 6 5 74 80 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7324 Analysis of Computer Network Courses Security Precautions Based on Big Data <p>With the advent of the era of big data, computer networks have become one of the indispensable infrastructures in modern society. In this era of information exchange highly dependent on the network, the development and application of wireless network technology are becoming more and more important. However, the problem of network security is becoming more and more prominent, especially in the field of wireless networks. This paper aims to analyze the security precautions of computer wireless networks in the era of big data, discuss its classification, the necessity of application, and the security risks faced, and put forward the corresponding security technology application scheme, to provide reference and guidance for building a more secure and reliable wireless network environment.</p> Weibei Fan Dandan Mei Fu Xiao Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 6 5 81 86 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7279 Research on the Construction of an Application-Oriented Undergraduate Curriculum System <p>This paper discusses a series of problems in the construction of an application-oriented undergraduate curriculum system. The paper first defines and analyzes the concept and characteristics of the applied curriculum system, then analyzes the problems existing in the current curriculum system, and puts forward solutions such as strengthening practical teaching, cooperating with the industry, and innovating teaching methods to make beneficial exploration of the applied undergraduate curriculum teaching.</p> Yanhua Sun Jianfan Liu Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 87 92 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7261 Reform and Practice Path of Ideological and Political Teaching in College Network Marketing Course <p>With the proposal of the fundamental task of “cultivating morality and cultivating people”, ideological and political education in colleges and universities has ushered in a new wave of reform. In this context, ways to promote the continuous improvement of the ideological and political level of college students and cultivate their cultural literacy have become one of the teaching problems of colleges, universities, and teachers. In this regard, this article briefly analyzes the connotation of ideological and political teaching of network marketing, hoping to provide readers with some valuable reference.</p> Jianqiang Tan Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 93 98 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7262 The Problems and Coping Strategies of Scientific Research Management in Universities under the Background of Big Data <p>Teaching and research are the important work content of colleges and universities. With the deepening of the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, colleges and universities attach great importance to scientific research, which puts forward new requirements for the management of scientific research in Chinese colleges and universities. Introducing big data technology into scientific research management can greatly enrich the content of scientific research management, broaden the management path, and greatly promote the level of scientific research management in colleges and universities. Given this, this paper will analyze the management of scientific research in colleges and universities under the background of big data, and put forward some strategies as reference.</p> Meijing Lv Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 99 104 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7263 Research on the Innovative Teaching Model of Information Technology in Middle School based on Artificial Intelligence Technology <p>With the rapid development of science and technology, artificial intelligence has gradually been integrated into all aspects of people’s lives. Especially in the field of education, artificial intelligence has brought unprecedented innovative opportunities for middle school information technology teaching. An in-depth discussion on how this innovative model can help students cultivate information literacy is an important measure to promote the professional development of teachers and meet the development needs of middle school students in the new era. Based on this, this paper first analyzes the relationship between artificial intelligence technology and information technology teaching in middle school, as well as the practical significance of innovative information technology teaching in middle school based on artificial intelligence technology, and then puts forward feasible new teaching mode to provide a reference for peers.</p> Feishuai Yan Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 105 110 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7264 Research on the Teaching of the PLC Technology Course under the Background of Curriculum Political Ideology <p>This paper studies the teaching of the PLC technology course under the background of curriculum political ideology from the aspects of the formulation of curriculum standards, the integration and compilation of ideological and political teaching cases, teaching implementation, and teaching evaluation. Through the way of letting students learn professional knowledge and skills and accept ideological and political education, the problem of integrating ideological and political education and professional education in technical colleges can be solved.</p> Wu Zheng Jing Li Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 111 116 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7319 Embedded Technology Teaching Research and Practice under the Model of Integrated Discipline Competition Project <p>Embedded technology and application, as the core course of the electronic communication major, is an important professional course for students to engage in embedded software and hardware development in the future. Given the difficulty of embedded courses in theory and the high requirement of practical ability, this paper takes the title of the National Electronic Design Competition for College Students as the content of embedded course research project, carries on the innovation and reorganization of embedded course content, integrates multidisciplinary knowledge, and enhances students’ understanding ability and practical ability from the perspective of practice. At the same time, the use of modern information education resources, the introduction of online video teaching resources, and the use of learning platforms allow supervision of students’ learning progress and effect. The teaching practice shows that this teaching model, which integrates competition topics into theoretical learning and project practice, effectively promotes students’ interest in participating in discipline competitions and enhances their recognition of majors and professions.</p> Baihua Li Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 117 122 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7328 Reform of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry Course Teaching Model in Biology Major under the New Situations <p>Inorganic and analytical chemistry is a compulsory basic course for students majoring in biology. The goal of this course is to provide them with the necessary chemical knowledge and experimental skills and to lay the foundation for the subsequent professional courses. This study explores the teaching model reform of inorganic and analytical chemistry teaching for non-chemistry majors according to the current situation, hoping to explore a suitable course teaching model for biology majors by optimizing teaching content, stimulating students’ interest, and improving teaching methods.</p> Huixia Liu Han Wang Hongxia Liu Lan He Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 6 5 123 128 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7321 Research on the Integration of Traditional Culture into Situation and Policy Course Teaching <p>Traditional culture is a historical accumulation of more than 5,000 years of the Chinese nation, which highlights the national spirit of self-improvement, perseverance, innovation, hard work, and indomitable struggle, which provides quality materials for ideological and political teaching in colleges and universities. Ideological and political teachers in colleges and universities should integrate the traditional culture into the teaching of Situation and Policy courses, explain the idea of governing the country in the traditional culture, and build a system of excellent traditional Chinese culture theory. Teachers should focus on current affairs, integrate relevant traditional cultural elements, and build a teaching system that integrates and promotes each other to deepen students’ understanding of traditional culture by using the teaching method of historical observation. Integrating regional excellent traditional culture into the course can guide students to explore traditional culture in depth, enhance their cultural self-confidence, and improve the quality of ideological and political education.</p> Li Li Jingwen Li Hongchun Shen Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 6 5 129 134 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7315 Study on the Contribution of Informal Green Space to Urban Green Space Accessibility in Qingdao <p>With the continuous improvement of China’s urbanization, the upgrading of the living environment and consumption demand by residents has stimulated the development of green urban spaces. To truly benefit the green ecology of residents and promote the ecologically sustainable development of the city, the investigation of this study found that only focusing on formal green space is not effective enough, and informal green space with high contact frequency and diversified types of green space are often ignored. This study sets up two scenarios of whether or not the informal green space system is considered in Qingdao city, and obtains accessibility under two scenarios by constructing a transportation network through ArcGIS. The results show that the accessibility distribution of urban green space is more uniform when informal green space is considered when compared with no consideration for informal green space, which reveals and emphasizes the contribution of informal green space in improving the accessibility of urban green space.</p> Minghui Li Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 6 5 135 140 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7329 Research on the Practice of the Long-Term Digital Evaluation for Chemistry Students and Field Engineer Training Path based on Intelligent Teaching <p>This study takes the long-term training of chemical field engineers under the framework of digital competence in higher vocational colleges as the research object. The study combines domestic and foreign, macro and micro, qualitative and quantitative, in the investigation and problem analysis of the current situation of applied talent training in higher vocational colleges in China. Based on the successful experience of applied talent training locally and abroad, the study tries to build a talent training system with the core goal of long-term training of field engineers with the guidance of the government, colleges, and enterprises, by exploring the implementation path and reform strategy of the long-term training of field engineers.</p> Caifang Li Shirley A. Padua Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 141 146 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7265 A Brief Analysis of the Development and Change of the Gelao Ethnicity and the Research on the Dissemination Strategies <p>This paper explores the significance and value of the development and change of Gelao’s traditional sports game, the bamboo egg game. The bamboo egg game is an important part of Gelao culture, and its technique is closely connected with its traditional culture. The paper also examines the educational significance of introducing the traditional game of Gelao ethnicity into sports courses. The research object is the traditional sports game of bamboo egg game in Wuchuan Gelao Ethnicity and Miao Ethnicity Autonomous County. The research methods used include the literature data method, investigation method, and logical analysis method. The paper makes a logical analysis of the dissemination forms and development and innovation materials of Gelao ethnicity’s bamboo egg game, discovers the existing problems, and puts forward solutions to promote the inheritance and development of this traditional sports game.</p> Lin Zhu Shuchun Zhao Yudie Ao Wen Yu Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 147 153 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7266 The Design and Practice of a Multi-solution Teaching Strategy: Taking the C Language Programming Course as an Example <p>This paper explores one problem with multiple solutions teaching strategy applied to the integration of theory and practice teaching courses in C language programming course. According to the cognitive characteristics of students for the same problem combined with the specific learning situation of higher vocational colleges, the course has adopted the three methods of basic flow control statement, switch statement, and array. Showing the methods and skills to solve the problem from different angles with the gradual implementation of the specific teaching helps students deepen their understanding of C language knowledge. It also guides students to use knowledge to solve practical problems, to achieve the teaching goals.</p> Leigang Hao Wenchao Guo Hang Qi Zhili Liu Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 154 159 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7281 Research on Teaching Reform of Fundamental Electric Circuit Experiment in Colleges and Universities <p>The fundamental goal of experimental teaching is to cultivate students’ scientific literacy. Colleges and universities put forward three dimensions of experimental teaching objectives focusing on the cultivation of scientific literacy, which is to optimize the experimental content and experimental equipment, pay attention to the quality control of the whole process of experimental teaching, and establish a diversified experimental teaching evaluation model so that the teaching objectives of fundamental electric circuit experiment course is determined. Under the background of education reform, the circuit teaching courses in colleges and universities have been further innovated, put forward to increase the proportion of comprehensive experiments and design experiments, improve experimental equipment and other requirements, and propose to strengthen the quality control of experimental teaching in the early, middle and late stages. This creates the experimental model of the whole quality cycle teaching and increases the proportion of the experiment report assessment. This paper analyzes the key points of teaching reform for fundamental electric circuit experiments in colleges and universities, and then explores the specific strategies of experimental teaching reform, hoping to provide strong support for promoting the experimental teaching reform of fundamental electric circuit experiments in colleges and universities.</p> Yunyan Zhang Deyun Zhou Lina Zeng Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 160 165 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7269 A Study on the Language Standardization Training Path of Modern Service Industry under the Background of Hainan Free Trade Port Construction <p>The Hainan Free Trade Port becoming a landmark project of China’s new era of reform and opening up plays an important role in promoting reform and opening up in Hainan and building a new open economic system. This strategy has not only attracted the attention of numerous domestic and foreign investors but also brought unprecedented talent-gathering effects to Hainan. In this context, modern service industry practitioners must possess high-level language expression and communication skills to meet international service standards. This study aims to explore the problems faced by modern service industry language standardization training in the construction process of the Hainan Free Trade Port comprehensively, provide targeted guidance and strategies for policymakers and enterprise management, and optimize the training path. Specifically, this study will focus on identifying effective training mechanisms and models, aiming to enhance the language skills and comprehensive service capabilities of service industry talents, and thereby promote the international competitiveness of Hainan Free Trade Port’s service industry.</p> Jun Li Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 166 172 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7270 The Influence of Population Changes on the Allocation of Preschool Education Resources and Suggestions: Take Binzhou City of Shandong Province as an Example <p>Population change has had a great influence on the development of preschool education. This article provides insight into the population change situation in Binzhou City, which is helpful to formulate preschool education policy scientifically and allocate preschool education resources reasonably.</p> Wen Xu Shanshan Li Xin Li Qi Fa Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 6 5 173 178 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7322 Some Thoughts on Ideological and Political Teaching in Product Design Courses under the Perspective of New Liberal Arts <p>According to the requirements of the Ministry of Education “Guidelines for the construction of Ideological and Political courses in Colleges and Universities”, based on the school direction after the transfer of the school, this paper summarizes the experience and lessons of ideological and political teaching of product design courses in the school, and puts forward some ideas on the ideological and political teaching research and reform of product design courses based on the technical courses of product design in the college of art and design. This paper analyzes the current situation and achievements of the ideological and political construction of product design courses in the school over the years, especially the experience in practical teaching and promoting teaching by competition. It also reflects on some problems existing in the ideological and political course of product design, and further puts forward the reform method of the ideological and political course of product design and innovative teaching methods. Finally, the ideological and political achievements and experiences of craft courses are extended to the construction of other professional courses, to promote the development of ideological and political courses in the school, and to meet the development needs of the school after the transfer.</p> Tianlin Zhang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 6 5 179 185 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7280 A Brief Analysis of the Status Quo of the Autonomous Management of College Students <p>With the increasingly fierce social competition, society’s requirements for the comprehensive quality of college students have gradually become higher, so only the knowledge obtained from school education is not enough to meet the needs to improve their skills. It is becoming increasingly important to cultivate students’ self-management as one of the teaching objectives of universities. However, students show strong passivity and dependence in the learning process. This paper analyzes the current situation of college students’ self-management. then puts forward corresponding suggestions to help students improve their self-management ability and help them do a good job in the transition from high school to university.</p> Fangfang Zhao Yan Sun Jiaqing Li Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 186 191 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7271 Research on the Dilemma and Countermeasures of Rural Vocational Education under the Background of Rural Revitalization Strategy: A Case Study of the Wuling Mountain Area in Chongqing <p>The context of this study is the rural revitalization strategy in Chongqing. Based on Sen’s poverty theory and Schultz’s human capital theory, this paper selects the Wuling Mountain area of Chongqing, a representative underdeveloped area, as the research object. Under the actual local development situation, this paper mainly uses the literature research method, questionnaire survey method, and case study method to analyze the development status of rural vocational education in this area, and discusses the influencing factors of its development. The bottleneck problems in the development process are summarized, which are mainly reflected in the asymmetry of educational information, educational resources, and educational talents. Targeted countermeasures and suggestions are put forward to provide ideas and references for the development of rural vocational education in other regions, further promote the process of rural education construction, and strengthen the construction of basic education and talent.</p> Yaqin Huang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 192 197 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7272 Analysis of English Teaching in Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Cross-border E-commerce <p>Under the background of the Internet era, the further development of e-commerce and foreign trade economy has been promoted. Simultaneously, higher requirements have been put forward for colleges and universities to carry out the training of e-commerce English talents. To meet the needs of e-commerce English talent training in the construction of the market economy, college English teachers need to carry out English teaching work from the perspective of cross-border e-commerce. This involves improving the English teaching system and enhancing the quality of English teaching from the perspectives of training objectives, curriculum design, practical teaching, and so on. Ultimately, these may effectively enhance the English expression and business communication abilities of Business English majors, thus supplying high-quality English talents for the innovative development of China’s cross-border e-commerce industry. Given this, this article combines existing experience and theory and delves into a thorough exploration, by first analyzing the demand for talent development in English from the perspective of cross-border e-commerce, then dissecting the current issues in the training of business English talents, and finally proposing specific teaching strategies to benefit teachers.</p> Yuhan Xie Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 198 203 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7251 Research on Project-based Learning Approach with Local Characteristics in Electronic and Information Science Courses <p>The promulgation of the outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China and the Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035 has clarified the focus of work and put forward new requirements for the training of electronic and information science professionals. The teaching methods and levels can be optimized by focusing on the problems existing in the teaching process of electronic and information science courses, carrying out teaching reform, and putting forward the project-based learning approach with local characteristics.</p> Pengpeng Yang Ping Xia Biao Xiong Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 6 5 204 209 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7330 Research and Practice of Integrated Knowledge and Action, Art and Craft Fusion in Aesthetic Education A Case Study of Qingdao Huanghai University <p>This paper delves into the practical implementation of integrated knowledge and action, focusing on the fusion of art and craft within aesthetic education, with Qingdao Huanghai University as the case study. It examines the university's unique "Four-Culture Integration Aesthetic Education Model," which emphasizes the amalgamation of excellent traditional culture, revolutionary red culture, craftsmanship culture, and innovation culture. The university adopts a systematic approach involving top-level design, coupling logic, and implementation guarantees to establish a comprehensive aesthetic education curriculum. Central to this approach is the integration of aesthetics, culture, art, engineering, and technology to cultivate students endowed with profound cultural heritage and innovative prowess. Furthermore, the paper elaborates on the development of an integrated knowledge and action, art and craft fusion aesthetic education system, with a focus on curriculum refinement, practical pathways, and enhancing overall connectivity.</p> Lili Shi Yingquan Wang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 6 5 210 215 10.26689/erd.v6i5.6967 Research on Innovative Practice of Curriculum System of Art Design Specialty under the Background of New Liberal Arts <p>The development of the new liberal arts construction has put forward higher requirements for the training of art design professionals in colleges and universities. Under this background, colleges and universities should optimize the professional curriculum system setting, update the curriculum teaching model, and take the initiative to meet the changes of the current time. Based on this, this paper studies the innovative practice of the curriculum system of art and design majors under the background of new liberal arts. First of all, it analyzes the characteristics of the new liberal arts construction and its new requirements for the cultivation of art design talents. On this basis, the paper puts forward the strategy of curriculum system innovation practice, including clarifying the concept of curriculum system construction, promoting the integration of liberal arts courses, optimizing the practical curriculum system, introducing innovative and entrepreneurial practice projects, and so on, to cultivate high-quality art design talents with innovative spirit and practical ability.</p> Qingqiao Zhang Honglin Ji Sen Fan Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-21 2024-06-21 6 5 216 221 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7317 The Optimization Methods of University Education Management in the Era of Big Data <p>With the development of education reform, the work of college education management should be further optimized. Teachers should actively introduce new ideas and methods of education management, to better stimulate the interest of students and teachers to participate in education management activities and improve the effect and quality of education management work. As a popular technical means, big data technology can greatly enrich the content of college education management, broaden the path of management work, and greatly promote the comprehensive level of college education management work. Given this, this paper will analyze the university education management work in the era of big data and put forward some optimization strategies for reference.</p> Guosong Chen Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 222 227 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7273 Analysis of Immersive Exhibition Based on Glasses-free 3D Technology <p>This article primarily examines glasses-free 3D technology and its application in immersive exhibitions. The article includes an analysis of glasses-free 3D technology and its applications, an examination of immersive exhibitions supported by glasses-free 3D technology, as well as the drawbacks of glasses-free 3D technology and its future development trends. It is hoped that this analysis can offer some insights into the prudent application of glasses-free 3D technology, aiming to achieve a compelling immersive exhibition experience.</p> Weiya Liu Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 228 233 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7274 Research on Optimization of the Studies Withdrawal System for Doctoral Students <p>The studies withdrawal system of doctoral students is an important aspect of the modernization of higher education, and also an important measure to ensure the quality of doctoral cultivation and the level of education. Through the research on the process of doctoral students’ withdrawal, the necessity of doctoral students’ withdrawal and the implementation of the current situation are discussed, and the practical problems and reasons of the system are analyzed. The study also proposes to further improve the implementation rules of the process from the aspects of establishing and improving the policy guarantee and supervision process of the system, optimizing the management system of doctoral students in colleges and universities, increasing the publicity of the system, and so on, to ensure the implementation effect of the system.</p> Chuanfeng Zheng Xue Yang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 234 239 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7276 Research on Ideological and Political Teaching Reform of Computer Major Courses <p>Imperceptibly integrating ideological and political education into the teaching of computer majors in military schools can build a collaborative model of computer courses and ideological and political education, improve the teaching quality of computer courses and the education effectiveness of military schools, to better implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and educating people. This requires the computer teachers of the military school to integrate the elements of ideological and political education in the curriculum and give play to its recessive educational role so that computer teaching and ideological and political education form a collaborative education model. Based on this, this paper explores the reform of ideological and political teaching in the computer major curriculum of the military academy, to promote the ideological and political ideas of the curriculum to be better integrated into the classroom of computer major, and lay a solid foundation for the military academy to train more high-quality and outstanding talents.</p> Congcong Qin Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 240 245 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7277 Research on the Current Situation of Chinese Character Teaching in International Chinese Education: Based on Foreign Chinese Teaching Cases <p>Chinese character teaching is one of the difficulties in international Chinese education. This paper analyzes the cases of international Chinese character teaching, compares the outstanding problems of each case, summarizes the common points among the cases, finds the difficulties in Chinese character teaching, and puts forward improvement measures.</p> Meirong Li Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 6 5 246 252 10.26689/erd.v6i5.7278