Proceedings of Business and Economic Studies <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Proceedings of Business and Economic Studies (PBES)</em> is an international, peer-reviewed and open access journal which focuses on theoretical and applied studies of corporate and financial behavior. Aiming to promote the research in fields of business economics and management and&nbsp;help economists keep abreast of the vast flow of literature.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">It covers mainly but not limits to the following areas: ranging from the core themes of the entrepreneurial process and new venture creation to other topics, accounting and financial management, economics, human resource management and organizational behavior, information management, international business, strategy and innovation, management science and operations management, marketing and retailing.</p> <p align="justify">&nbsp;</p> Bio-Byword Scientific Publishing PTY LTD en-US Proceedings of Business and Economic Studies 2209-2641 Optimization Analysis of Human Resource Management Strategies of Nantong University, a Local Comprehensive University in China <p>This study analyzes the current situation and challenges of Nantong University amid the rapid development of higher education, addressing aspects such as faculty structure, administrative management efficiency, and promotion mechanisms. Through questionnaire surveys and field research, coupled with SWOT analysis and various theoretical methods, a comprehensive analysis was conducted on Nantong University’s internal and external environment. The study proposes an improved comprehensive development strategy and implementation measures, which include updating management concepts, strengthening professional training, optimizing employment conditions, and improving salary systems. Ultimately, this study provides practical strategies for human resource management and the transformational development of Nantong University and other local comprehensive universities.</p> Fei Jin Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-03-28 2024-03-28 7 2 1 7 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6506 Innovation of Audit Business Management Models under the Conditions of Information Technology <p>This paper focuses on the innovation of audit business management in the information technology era. In the wave of digitalization, audit companies need to adjust their management mode to take advantage of the advantages of informatization. The key is to use digital tools to strengthen data analysis and reshape the audit process. This not only improves efficiency and accuracy but also improves the overall audit quality. The article also highlights the importance of developing a culture of continued auditor learning and skills development to ensure competitiveness in the digital age. At the end of the paper, the success of audit companies depends on innovation ability and the importance of combining management mode with technological innovation.</p> Kai Yuan Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 7 2 8 14 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6593 Financial Calculation Problems and Countermeasure Analysis of Large-Scale Engineering Construction Projects <p>The financial aspects of large-scale engineering construction projects profoundly influence their success. Strengthening cost control and establishing a scientific financial evaluation system can enhance the project’s economic benefits, minimize unnecessary costs, and provide decision-makers with a robust financial foundation. Additionally, implementing an effective cash flow control mechanism and conducting a comprehensive assessment of potential project risks can ensure financial stability and mitigate the risk of fund shortages. Developing a practical and feasible fundraising plan, along with stringent fund management practices, can prevent fund wastage and optimize fund utilization efficiency. These measures not only facilitate smooth project progression and improve project management efficiency but also enhance the project’s economic and social outcomes.</p> Qiong Hou Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 15 21 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6607 Study on the Influence of Lanzhou–Urumqi High-Speed Railway on Regional Accessibility and Economic Development <p>The Lanzhou–Urumqi high-speed railway is an important part of the railway network connecting Gansu, Qinghai, and Xinjiang, and it is of far-reaching significance in facilitating China’s western development. An accessibility model and a double difference model were built to analyze the impact of the Lanzhou–Urumqi high-speed railway on regional accessibility and economic development of the areas along the line before (2012–2014) and after (2017–2019) its opening. The results show that the regional accessibility remains unchanged before and after the operation of this railway line. However, there is a spatial difference in improvement, that of central cities being better. The opening of the high-speed railway is conducive to driving the overall economic development of the region and promoting the comprehensive and coordinated development of regional economies.</p> Lili Ma Xiaolong Han Miao Gong Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 22 31 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6608 Review of Arbitral Award of Network Loan and Analysis of Construction of Implementation Review Rules <p>The network arbitration cases arising from the network lending disputes are pouring into the courts in large numbers. It is reported that the network arbitration system of some arbitration institutions even “can accept more than 10,000 cases every day,” while online lending is booming, it has also caused a lot of contradictions and disputes, and traditional dispute resolution methods have failed to effectively respond to the need for efficient and convenient resolution of online lending disputes. This paper tries to study the arbitral award of online loans and proposes the construction of implementation review rules.</p> Li Guo Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 32 37 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6590 Digital Transformation: The Impact of e-CNY on Securities Institutions and Financial Systems in China <p>In recent years, the rapid advancement of emerging technologies such as big data, blockchain, and artificial intelligence has accelerated the transformation of currencies, shifting from materialization towards digitization and electronization. The e-CNY stands out as a prime example of China’s pioneering digital financial innovation globally. Governed by the central bank, it embodies the national agenda. As the e-CNY’s application field and reach expand, its relationship with the financial market grows increasingly intimate. As a significant participant in China’s financial landscape and a proactive responder to national policies, the securities industry is profoundly influenced by the e-CNY across various domains. Therefore, this paper undertakes a theoretical analysis of the e-CNY’s implementation within securities institutions, concluding that it will usher in a new paradigm for the entire financial system.</p> Xinyue Mei Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 38 45 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6594 China’s Monetary Policy Impacts on Money and Stock Markets <p>This study investigated the impact of China’s monetary policy on both the money market and stock markets, assuming that non-policy variables would not respond contemporaneously to changes in policy variables. Monetary policy adjustments are swiftly observed in money markets and gradually extend to the stock market. The study examined the effects of monetary policy shocks using three primary instruments: interest rate policy, reserve requirement ratio, and open market operations. Monthly data from 2007 to 2013 were analyzed using vector error correction (VEC) models. The findings suggest a likely presence of long-lasting and stable relationships among monetary policy, the money market, and stock markets. This research holds practical implications for Chinese policymakers, particularly in managing the challenges associated with fluctuation risks linked to high foreign exchange reserves, aiming to achieve autonomy in monetary policy and formulate effective monetary strategies to stimulate economic growth.</p> Fang Fang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 46 52 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6604 The Logic of Digital Finance in the Age of Digital Economy <p>This paper explores the development logic, trends, and challenges of digital finance in the era of the digital economy. As a crucial component of the digital economy, digital finance has completely transformed the traditional financial services model through factors such as technological innovation, data intelligence, and personalized user experiences, paving the way for new business models and market opportunities. However, the rapid development of digital finance also faces challenges such as competition, security, and regulation. This paper emphasizes the importance of finding a balance between innovation and security in the development of digital finance and discusses the potential of digital finance in promoting financial inclusion and sustainable development. Through comprehensive analysis, this paper aims to provide valuable insights for academic researchers and industry practitioners, promoting the healthy development of digital finance.</p> Zhuoyuan Chen Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 53 59 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6605 Digital Transformation of Enterprise Human Resource Management Enabled by Big Data <p>With the continuous development of big data technology, the digital transformation of enterprise human resource management has become a development trend. Human resources is one of the most important resources of enterprises, which is crucial to the competitiveness of enterprises. Enterprises need to attract, retain, and motivate excellent employees, thereby enhancing the innovation ability of enterprises and improving competitiveness and market share in the market. To maintain advantages in the fierce market competition, enterprises need to adopt more scientific and effective human resource management methods to enhance organizational efficiency and competitiveness. At the same time, this paper analyzes the dilemma faced by enterprise human resource management, points out the new characteristics of enterprise human resource management enabled by big data, and puts forward feasible suggestions for enterprise digital transformation.</p> Zhefan Zhuang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 60 65 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6606 The Interrelationship between Culture and Capital Structure: Evidence from International Retailers <p>The present study investigates the influence of cultural factors in 2022 on the capital structure of global retailers. There are sixteen retailers from eight countries in the sample. In recent times, numerous academicians have taken an interest in examining the capital structure and business model of retailers, owing to their swift and consistent growth. However, the fact that the majority of research originates from the retailers’ host country gives rise to debate regarding the applicability of the capital structure of said retailers to countries with distinct cultural environments. Consequently, academics have begun to investigate whether the capital structure of multinational retailers is impacted by the diversity of national cultures.</p> Sisi Xu Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 66 72 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6133 Recognition of Ethics and Sustainability: A Case Study of Coca-Cola <p>Corporate ethics and sustainable development are receiving increasing attention in today’s society. More and more companies are realizing that ethical and sustainable development is not only a requirement for fulfilling social responsibility but also a key factor for achieving long-term growth and sustainable competitive advantage. As a result, companies are integrating ethics and sustainability into their strategies, decisions, and operations to achieve both business success and social benefit. However, some companies shout sustainability and environmental protection slogans; the actual practice differs from the claim. This paper combined the planning and actual data of the Coca-Cola Company and found that the Coca-Cola Company was suspected of greenwashing. While Coca-Cola does contribute to the environment, there is a difference between what it does and what it says. As for the possibility of this problem, the article also makes a relative solution and assessment.</p> Tianfu Wang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 73 78 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6134 Intelligent Network-Connected New Energy Vehicle Technology and Application Under the Dual-Carbon Strategy <p>In responding to the “dual carbon” strategy, intelligent networked new energy vehicle technology plays a crucial role. This type of vehicle combines the advantages of new energy technology and intelligent network technology, effectively reduces carbon emissions in the transportation sector, improves energy utilization efficiency, and contributes to the green transportation system through intelligent transportation management and collaborative work between vehicles, making significant contributions. This article aims to explore the development of intelligent network-connected new energy vehicle technology and applications under the dual-carbon strategy and lay the foundation for the future development direction of the automotive industry.</p> Honghong Xiao Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 79 83 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6591 Research on Enterprise Legal Service Strategy Based on Compliance Management Optimization <p>With the background of enterprise compliance management, this paper discusses how to improve the level of enterprise legal service and reduce enterprise legal risks by optimizing the compliance management system. It aims to analyze the current situation and existing problems of enterprise legal services through the analysis of the importance of compliance management. Furthermore, it delves into the case of enterprise legal service strategy based on compliance management optimization to verify the effectiveness and feasibility of enterprise legal service strategy.</p> Yi Zhu Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 84 88 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6592 Market Positioning Analysis of CJ Brand Fitness Equipment <p>CJ Health Technology Co. has been an export-oriented supplier of fitness equipment, boasting leading technology innovation and manufacturing capabilities. However, in the process of expanding into the domestic market, the challenges of unclear market positioning and lack of brand awareness have emerged as major obstacles. To address these issues, a SWOT analysis was conducted to explore a suitable market positioning strategy for the CJ brand. The analysis reveals that the market demand for commercial fitness equipment is relatively saturated, with fierce competition. In contrast, the home fitness market represents a new blue ocean with promising development opportunities for the CJ brand. Leveraging excellent product quality, stringent quality control measures, and innovation-driven cutting-edge technology, it is recommended that CJ brand fitness equipment target young customers aged between 25 and 35 years old. Additionally, vigorously developing the home fitness product line is proposed to capitalize on this burgeoning market segment.</p> Bohan Liu Yuying Li Ping Yu Jiayue Zhou Kang Fang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 89 94 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6614 Progress in Analytical Methods of Halogenated Disinfection By-Products <p>Ensuring the health and safety of drinking water is crucial for both nations and their citizens. Since the 20th century, the disinfection of drinking water, effectively controlling pathogens in water sources, has become one of the significant advances in public health. However, the disinfectants used in the process, such as chlorine and chlorine dioxide, react with natural organic matter in the water to produce disinfection by-products (DBPs). Most of these DBPs contain chlorine, and if the source water contains bromine or iodine, brominated or iodinated DBPs, collectively referred to as Halogenated disinfection byproducts (X-DBPs), are formed. Numerous studies have found that X-DBPs pose potential risks to human health and the environment, leading to widespread concern. Mass spectrometry has become an important means of discovering new types of X-DBPs. This paper focuses on the study of methods for analyzing X-DBPs in drinking water using mass spectrometry.</p> Jing Wu Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 95 99 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6615 Research on the Internal Talent Training Path and Performance Evaluation Mechanism of New R&D Institutions in Zhejiang Province <p>New research and development (R&amp;D) institutions are an important part of the national innovation system, playing an important role in promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. In recent years, new R&amp;D institutions have gradually become the driving force of innovation-driven development in China. Taking new R&amp;D institutions in Zhejiang Province as the research object, this paper studies the internal talent training path and performance evaluation mechanism of new R&amp;D institutions in Zhejiang Province by using the literature research method, comparison method, case verification method, and other methods. The investigation results show that there are problems such as lack of material and spiritual support and neglect of the absorption of local talents in the internal talent training, and there are problems such as unclear standards, insufficient data, and opaque processes in the performance evaluation mechanism, which greatly affect the establishment and improvement of the performance evaluation mechanism. Given the above problems, this paper puts forward a forward-looking, oriented, flexible, and compatible talent training path and performance evaluation mechanism, hoping to optimize the effective internal talent training path of new R&amp;D institutions, improve the evaluation performance, and promote healthy development of new R&amp;D institutions in Zhejiang Province.</p> Xiangjiang Li Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 100 105 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6617 Research on Sports Public Service Supply in the Chengdu–Chongqing Twin-City Economic Circle under the Background of Regional Economic Development <p>Using literature, questionnaires, interviews, and mathematical statistics to investigate the current situation of sports public services in the Chengdu–Chongqing Twin-city Economic Circle. The results show that there are some problems in Chengdu–Chongqing sports public services, such as big difference in the development level of supply between urban and rural areas, low supply level, low efficiency, supply mechanism defect, lack of social sports instructors, an outstanding contradiction between the quality of sports public service and residents’ demand. To address the problems, government departments should accelerate the transformation of government functions, improve the relevant regulations and systems, increase the investment in sports public services, improve the quality of supply, cultivate the backbone team, integrate resources, and combine the national characteristics with regional characteristics, take into account the personalized needs of the residents, combine the sports public services with intelligence, and build the service system of “Internet + Fitness.”</p> Yiming Yang Yun Liu Yu Huang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 106 113 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6764 Exploration of Financial Management Curriculum Reform in Vocational College <p>As the core course of finance and accounting major, the study of financial management knowledge plays a positive role in promoting students’ understanding of the whole financial work and enriching financial knowledge. This paper analyzes the necessity of financial management curriculum reform, from the design ideas, teaching content, teaching mode, and teaching methods of several aspects of vocational college financial management curriculum reform work carried on the preliminary thinking, hoping to improve the teaching quality of this course will be helpful.</p> Huanhuan Wang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 114 119 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6765 Research on the Impact of China’s Foreign Trade Technology Spillover on Green Total Factor Productivity of Countries Along the “Belt and Road”: Based on the Institutional Quality Threshold Effect <p>China’s growing trade with countries along the “Belt and Road” Initiative is accompanied by a focus on green development. Based on the panel data from 2007 to 2018, this paper establishes a threshold regression model to empirically analyze the institutional quality threshold effect of China’s foreign trade technology spillover on the GTFP of countries along the “Belt and Road.” The results show that China’s foreign trade technology spillover has a significant institutional quality double threshold effect on the green total factor productivity of the countries along the “Belt and Road.” As the institutional quality of the countries along the “Belt and Road” crosses a specific threshold value, the impact of China’s foreign trade technology spillover on the green total factor productivity of the countries along the “Belt and Road” has a significant positive promoting effect, and corresponding suggestions are put forward.</p> Li Chai Longnan Ma Lingwei Meng Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 120 125 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6766 Research on the Impact and Opportunities of the Digital Economy Promoting the Development of Real Economy <p>The digital economy has infused vitality into the transformation and development of the real economy, urging enterprises to break through core technological barriers, address bottleneck issues, and improve their core competitiveness. It fosters the comprehensive digital transformation of agriculture, manufacturing, and service sectors, improving the dynamism of the real economy and fostering more consumption hotspots. Efforts are underway to enhance industrial supply chains and innovation chains, optimize regional resource allocation, and promote a virtuous cycle within the real economy. Initiatives are being undertaken to standardize the development of digital economic platforms, promote the high-quality development of regional economies, and leverage the advantages of the socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics.</p> Meichen Jin Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 126 131 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6777 Research on College Network Information Security Protection in the Digital Economy Era <p>In the era of the digital economy, the informatization degree of various industries is getting deeper and deeper, and network information security has also come into people’s eyes. Colleges and universities are in the position of training applied talents, because of the needs of teaching and education, as well as the requirements of teaching reform, the information construction of colleges and universities has been gradually improved, but the problem of network information security is also worth causing people to ponder. The low security of the network environment will cause college network information security leaks, and even hackers will attack the official website of the university and leak the personal information of teachers and students. To solve such problems, this paper studies the protection of college network information security against the background of the digital economy era. This paper first analyzes the significance of network information security protection, then points out the current and moral problems, and finally puts forward specific countermeasures, hoping to create a safe learning environment for teachers and students for reference.</p> Libin Zhang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 132 137 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6778 Investigating the Influence of Digital Economy Growth on Industrial Structural Optimization and Upgrading <p>With the rapid development of the social economy, science and technology continue to upgrade and optimize, ushering in the digital era, which provides technical support for industrial innovation and development across all sectors. At this stage, vigorously developing the digital economy has gradually become the only means to optimize and upgrade the industrial structure. Therefore, local leaders and relevant departments need to enhance the importance of constructing the digital economy, enabling the local industrial structure to be optimized and upgraded under the impetus of the digital economy, ultimately promoting overall economic high-quality development. To this end, this paper, combined with existing research results, first elaborates on the positive impact of the digital economy on the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure. It then analyzes the challenges hindering the process of industrial structure optimization and upgrading and proposes practical pathways to address them, benefiting relevant stakeholders.</p> Wen Zhang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 138 144 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6779 Research on Tax Risk Regulation and Strategic Management in the Context of Big Data <p>With the rapid development of big data, big data has been more and more applied in all walks of life. Under the big data environment, massive big data provides convenience for regional tax risk control and strategic decision-making but also increases the difficulty of data supervision and management. By analyzing the status quo of big data and tax risk management, this paper finds many problems and puts forward effective countermeasures for tax risk supervision and strategic management by using big data.</p> Shouzeng Gong Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 145 150 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6780 Exploring Corporate Tax Compliance in the Era of Digital Tax Collection and Administration: Insights from the “Golden Tax Phase Four” Project <p>This article primarily examines the current state of tax collection and management, alongside other associated issues. It integrates insights from China’s “14th Five-Year Plan” and anticipates the imminent implementation of the “Golden Tax Phase Four.” With this backdrop, the article offers recommendations for advancing the reform of the tax collection and management system, fostering the development of intelligent taxation, and accelerating the modernization of tax collection and management in China.</p> Kai Fan Yujin Xie Wenjun Xu Haopeng Wei Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 151 156 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6781 Green Finance Promotes High-Quality Development of Regional Economy <p>With the rapid development of the social economy, the role of green finance in promoting the high-quality development of regional economies is increasing day by day. The advancement of green finance not only aids in fostering the green transformation and upgrading of regional economies but also helps mitigate the risks of environmental damage stemming from traditional economic activities. In this new era, it is imperative to embrace the concept of green finance development and innovate green finance practices to further drive high-quality regional economic development. This paper will analyze the significance of green finance in regional economic development, assess the current state of green finance development, and propose optimization strategies for green finance to facilitate high-quality economic development.</p> Huanhuan Wang Limei Fu Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 157 162 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6782 SWOT Analysis and Recommendations for Enhancing Sino-Russian Agricultural Trade Cooperation <p>With the outbreak of the Russian–Ukraine conflict, the changes in agricultural trade between China and Russia are receiving more and more attention. This study analyzes the current status of Sino-Russian agricultural trade and employs a SWOT analysis to explore the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within their agricultural trading activities. The findings suggest there are opportunities for further optimization and enhancement in the Sino-Russian agricultural trade. Based on this, suggestions proposed include accelerating the development of transportation hubs, facilitating agricultural trade, refining legal frameworks for agricultural exports, and expediting the establishment of economic cooperation zones.</p> Huilan Fang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 163 169 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6794 Innovative Strategies for Financial Investment Management Strategies of Enterprises in the New Era <p>With the in-depth development of economic globalization and the continuous emergence of new technologies, the importance of enterprise financial investment management strategy is becoming more and more prominent. The traditional financial investment management strategy can no longer meet the needs of enterprises in the new era and needs to be innovated with the times. For enterprises, the effectiveness and scientificity of financial investment management strategy will directly affect the competitiveness and long-term development of enterprises. Therefore, this study chooses the innovation based on the financial investment management strategy of enterprises in the new era as the research theme, aiming at exploring the innovative strategy to adapt to the needs of enterprises in the new era.</p> Xuanyi Huang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 170 177 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6795 The Discourse-Historical Approach of Identity Construction in Corporate Promotional Videos for External Publicity Image <p>Corporate identity construction of external publicity image is an important part of the development of enterprises. Based on Wodak’s discourse-historical approach, this study takes the text of COFCO’s English promotional video as the research object, analyzes the corporate brand image, media image, organizational image, and environmental image constructed by the enterprises from three steps: linguistic expression, discourse strategy, and theme to provide references for Chinese enterprises to enhance their international influence.</p> Xiaodong Wang Jing Yu Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 178 193 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6796 Research on Enterprise Human Resource Management Reform Strategy in the Era of Big Data <p>In the 21st century, with the development of the Internet, mobile devices, and information technology, society has entered a new era: the era of big data. With the help of big data technology, enterprises can obtain massive market and consumer data, realize in-depth analysis of business and market, and enable enterprises to have a deeper understanding of consumer needs, preferences, and behaviors. At the same time, big data technology can also help enterprises carry out human resource management innovation and improve the performance and competitiveness of enterprises. Of course, from another perspective, enterprises in this era are also facing severe challenges. In the face of massive data processing and analysis, it requires superb data processing and analysis capabilities. Secondly, enterprises need to reconstruct their management system to adapt to the changes in the era of big data. Enterprises must treat data as assets and establish a perfect data management system. In addition, enterprises also need to pay attention to protecting customer privacy and data security to avoid data leakage and abuse. In this context, this paper will explore the thinking of enterprise human resource management innovation in the era of big data, and put forward some suggestions on enterprise human resource management innovation.</p> Xin Zhang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 184 190 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6797 Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises’ Cross-Border Business Strategies <p>This paper explores the operational strategies of cross-border micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Against the backdrop of globalization and digitalization, cross-border trade has become one of the important pathways for many MSMEs to achieve growth and competitive advantage. Firstly, the paper outlines the concept and characteristics of cross-border MSMEs, as well as the analysis of their operational environment in the context of globalization, including political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal factors. Secondly, the paper proposes operational strategies for cross-border MSMEs, including international market selection and positioning, cross-border marketing strategies, supply chain management, cross-border financial management, and cross-border risk management. Finally, the paper summarizes the importance of effectively implementing these strategies for cross-border MSMEs to seize international market opportunities, reduce operational risks, and enhance competitiveness and profitability.</p> Xuan Chen Yijun Xia Tian Hou Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 191 197 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6802 Path Analysis of High-Quality Development of Regional Economy The Role and Impact of Industrial Policies <p>With China’s economic development entering a new normal, high-quality regional economic development has become an important goal of current economic development. As one of the important means to promote high-quality development of the regional economy, industrial policies are increasingly receiving attention in terms of their role and impact. This article mainly conducts an in-depth analysis of the mechanism and impact path of industrial policies, exploring the role and impact of industrial policies in promoting high-quality regional economic development. Firstly, industrial policies play an important role in promoting high-quality regional economic development. Secondly, the impact path of industrial policies on the high-quality development of the regional economy mainly includes promoting industrial structure upgrading, promoting technological innovation, guiding resource allocation, and enhancing enterprise competitiveness. Therefore, it is necessary to increase research and practice on industrial policies, continuously optimize policy measures, and promote high-quality development of the regional economy.</p> Nan Zhou Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 198 204 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6816 The Time-Consistent Optimal Reinsurance Strategy of Insurance Group under the CEV Model <p>The article introduces proportional reinsurance contracts under the mean-variance criterion, studying the time-consistence investment portfolio problem considering the interests of both insurance companies and reinsurance companies. The insurance claims process follows a jump-diffusion model, assuming that the risk asset prices of insurance companies and reinsurance companies follow CEV models different from each other. In the framework of game theory, the time-consistent equilibrium reinsurance strategy is obtained by solving the extended HJB equation analytically. Finally, numerical examples are used to illustrate the impact of model parameters on equilibrium strategies and provide economic explanations. The results indicate that the decision weights of insurance companies and reinsurance companies do have a significant impact on both the reinsurance ratio and the equilibrium reinsurance strategy.</p> Yuhong Yang Aiyin Wang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 205 221 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6618 Artificial Intelligence Based on Resilient Leadership in the Health Sector – A Secondary Publication <p>At present, it is impossible to deny the existence of artificial intelligence in various areas of social life, understood as the simulation of expert human intelligence from computer processes that involve learning, reasoning, and self-correction, its benefits to the medical field, in particular, are innumerable, but their incorporation into health systems has been gradual for many reasons. According to the above, this research analyzed artificial intelligence based on resilient leadership in the health sector, for which qualitative research was carried out with a documentary-bibliographic design with printed and electronic documentary sources with theoretical contributions from Ávila, Mayer, and Quesada, Morgan, Villa, and Finol, among others. It is highlighted that resilient leadership has become a strategic factor in all organizations, since times of uncertainty and changes lead institutions to properly manage the incorporation of technologies specifically AI, achieving in this way that the centers and professionals in the field of health assume the needs of the contexts and the innovations of the same. It is concluded that resilient leadership will allow artificial intelligence in the health sector to generate higher levels of learning and adaptability to the transformations that are necessary, whose resistance would make its application difficult and in the long run it will leave behind professionals who refuse to assume the contributions of these innovative techniques in medical practice.</p> Elaine Bastidas Tapia Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 222 233 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6873 A Deep Dive into the Trajectory and Transformation of Fintech in Colombia Through the Case of PTM Colombia – A Secondary Publication <p>This research focuses on analyzing and understanding the evolution and impact of fintech companies in Colombia, using PTM Colombia as a case study, a company that has undergone a significant transformation from its beginnings as a provider of physical recharges to its current position. as a comprehensive platform for digital financial services. The current research uses a qualitative descriptive approach and emphasizes understanding the perceptions and experiences in the field of Fintech in Colombia, particularly in the case of PTM Colombia. The study revealed that adaptability and customer orientation have been fundamental in the evolution of PTM, allowing the company to expand its range of services by actively listening to the needs of its users and adjusting its strategies accordingly. In addition, an accelerated and diversified growth of Fintech will be observed in Colombia, particularly in sectors such as credit and payments, driven by a constantly advancing technological environment and a regulatory framework that, although it presents challenges, also offers opportunities for financial innovation. This growth has impacted the traditional banking sector, which, instead of being replaced by Fintech, is finding new forms of collaboration and coexistence that benefit both parties and, above all, the end consumer. In conclusion, the study highlights how Fintech in Colombia, represented by cases such as PTM, is redefining the financial landscape through the adoption of advanced technologies, collaboration with traditional banking, and strong customer orientation.</p> Yanni Gabriel Guacaneme Álvarez Catalina Medina Ardila Nadesko Gallardo Licháa Otilia Miladys Gil Hoyos Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 234 244 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6834 Organizational Resilience: A Key Factor for Business Survival and Value Creation – A Secondary Publication <p>The lodging and restaurant services sector in the city of Pereira presents complex situations generated by the turbulence of the new business game. Companies that survive the new challenges and those recently established require strategies that allow them to extend their life expectancy. Therefore, the study aims to identify how to apply resilience and management disciplines in a tool that allows companies in the sector under study to sufficiently face situations of high complexity. Achieving this objective requires knowing the causes of the short life span of many companies, identifying how surviving companies articulate management disciplines with their strategic objectives, and analyzing the possibility of formulating an organizational model based on resilience as a value. The methodology applied was mixed. The sample was simply random; 23 companies were analyzed through structured interviews and participant observation. As the most significant results: the deficient application of management disciplines was identified as an important cause of company closures; the level of acceptance to implement the practice of resilience and management disciplines in companies; and the way to apply resilience and management disciplines in an instrument that builds value. It was concluded that an organizational model should be formulated where resilience and management disciplines are applied to face times of crisis.</p> José Didier Váquiro Capera Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 7 2 245 253 10.26689/pbes.v7i2.6850