Symptom Experiences and Coping Patterns in Pancreatic Cancer Patients During Chemotherapy: A Qualitative Study
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Pancreatic cancer
Symptom experience
Existing obstacles



Submitted : 2025-01-21
Accepted : 2025-02-05
Published : 2025-02-20


Objective: To explore symptom experiences and self-coping patterns during the early and late stages of chemotherapy in these patients to provide a basis for developing targeted symptom management strategies. Methods: A total of 27 patients with pancreatic cancer undergoing chemotherapy at two medical institutions were recruited between November 2023 and August 2024. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in person or over the phone. Data were analyzed using traditional content and thematic analyses. Results: Three themes were identified: symptom experience, self-coping patterns, and existing obstacles. During the early stages of chemotherapy, patients reported a higher frequency of unpleasant symptoms and recognized these symptoms earlier in the treatment course. Patients in the early stages primarily relied on external support to cope with symptoms, while those in the later stages adopted self-care strategies. Several challenges related to unpleasant symptoms were observed, which appeared to correlate with the self-coping patterns employed. Conclusion: Patients with pancreatic cancer undergoing chemotherapy experience a complex and diverse range of symptoms, with varying coping patterns at different stages of treatment. Symptom management during chemotherapy presents significant challenges. Healthcare providers should improve the ongoing monitoring of symptoms post-chemotherapy. By linking patients’ symptom experiences and self-coping patterns at different stages of chemotherapy to their specific challenges, personalized symptom management strategies can be developed to enhance care quality.


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