An Overview of Systems Biology & Metabolomics
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Submitted : 2024-06-01
Accepted : 2024-06-16
Published : 2024-07-01


Systems biology is an interdisciplinary strategy that seeks to comprehend intricate biological systems by amalgamating diverse forms of data, such as genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. Metabolomics, which investigates small molecules generated during cellular processes, offers insights into the biochemical activities taking place within an organism. Through the examination of the metabolome, researchers can acquire knowledge about the biochemical processes happening within an organism. Metabolomics proves to be particularly advantageous in systems biology as it furnishes a momentary view of the metabolic condition of a biological system at a specific point in time. By merging metabolomics data with other omics data, researchers can construct comprehensive models to enhance their understanding of how biological systems operate as a unified entity. This comprehensive methodology facilitates a more thorough comprehension of intricate biological systems and can lead to the discovery of new biomarkers and therapeutic targets. Systems biology and metabolomics are closely linked disciplines within the broader realm of biology, each offering distinct viewpoints and methodologies for interpreting biological systems at varying levels of complexity. Through the integration of these methodologies, researchers can acquire a more holistic understanding of biological processes, pathways, and networks at a functional level. This integration enables the identification of crucial metabolites, pathways, and regulatory mechanisms that hold significant roles in biological systems. Chemical and compound databases are pivotal in systems biology and metabolomics research as they grant access to information regarding the structure, characteristics, and interactions of diverse molecules. These databases serve as valuable assets for researchers to recognize and describe compounds, explore metabolic pathways, and devise experiments. Prominent chemical and compound databases utilized in these fields encompass PubChem, ChemSpider, and KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes). In essence, the fusion of systems biology and metabolomics has the potential to transform our comprehension of biological systems and enhance our capacity to diagnose, treat, and prevent diseases


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