Psychological Intervention During Radiotherapy for Cancer Patients
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Cancer patients
During radiotherapy
Psychological intervention
Mental health
Methods and techniques
Effect assessment



Submitted : 2024-06-18
Accepted : 2024-07-03
Published : 2024-07-18


The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness and applicability of psychological interventions for cancer patients during radiotherapy. By analyzing the background and significance of existing studies, it was found that radiotherapy has a significant impact on a patient’s mental health status. As an important therapeutic tool, psychological intervention occupies an important position in radiotherapy. The specific applications of individual psychological intervention methods and group psychological intervention methods are explored, and corresponding assessment indexes and methods are proposed for assessing the effects of psychological interventions. Through in-depth discussions, the importance and necessity of psychological interventions during radiotherapy for oncology patients are concluded to provide strong support and guidance for future clinical practice.


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