Path Planning for Thermal Power Plant Fan Inspection Robot Based on Improved A* Algorithm
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Power plant fans
Inspection robot
Path planning
Improved A* algorithm



Submitted : 2025-01-19
Accepted : 2025-02-03
Published : 2025-02-18


To improve the efficiency and accuracy of path planning for fan inspection tasks in thermal power plants, this paper proposes an intelligent inspection robot path planning scheme based on an improved A* algorithm. The inspection robot utilizes multiple sensors to monitor key parameters of the fans, such as vibration, noise, and bearing temperature, and upload the data to the monitoring center. The robot’s inspection path employs the improved A* algorithm, incorporating obstacle penalty terms, path reconstruction, and smoothing optimization techniques, thereby achieving optimal path planning for the inspection robot in complex environments. Simulation results demonstrate that the improved A* algorithm significantly outperforms the traditional A* algorithm in terms of total path distance, smoothness, and detour rate, effectively improving the execution efficiency of inspection tasks.


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