Analysis on the Configuration Path of Improving the Quality and Efficiency of County-Level Libraries in China
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Li D,Ru M,Hong W,et al. 2017,Research on Public Digital Cultural Service Performance Evaluation System Based on Data Envelopment Analysis. Information Exploration,19(5):10-14.
Zhao R,Tian Y,2018,Nonlinear Relationship between Local Government Competition and Local Government Debt Utilization Efficiency — Empirical Evidence from Interprovincial Panel Data.Technological Economy 37(4):121-130.
Lu M,2020,Is There a Way to Improve the Efficiency of China’ s Logistics Industry,. Business Economics and Management,24(7):27-37.
Du Y,Jia L,2017,Configuration Perspective and Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): A New Path of Management Research. Management World,2017(6):155-167.
Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism,2021,An Overview of Henan Culture viewed May 20,2023,https:/ / www. henan. gov. cn / 2011 / 03-04 / 260811. html.
Basic situation of county-level public libraries in various regions in 2020. Statistical Yearbook of Chinese Cultural Relics and Tourism,2021,76-85.
Department of Culture and Tourism of Henan Province,2021,There is a Good Way to Solve the Chronic Diseases of Grass-Roots Public Cultural Venues in Henan’s Precise Policy,viewed May 20,2023,https:/ /www. henan. gov. cn / 2021 / 01-11 / 2075994. html.
Ding Y,Xu N,Guo J,2020,Can Resource Advantages Bring Higher E-Government Service Capabilities?. Journal of Gansu Administration College,19(1):25-35.
Wang S,2019,Research Progress of China’s Library Cultural Targeted Poverty Alleviation. New Century Library,2019(3)91-96.
Department of Culture and Tourism of Henan Province,2021,There is a Good Way to Solve the Chronic Diseases of Public Cultural Venues at the Grassroots Level in Henan’s Precise Policy May 20,2023,https:/ / www. henan. gov. cn / 2021 / 01-11 / 2075994. html." />


County libraries
Henan county-level libraries
Resource allocation efficiency
Qualitative comparative analysis



Submitted : 2023-08-05
Accepted : 2023-08-20
Published : 2023-09-04


County-level libraries have an inescapable responsibility for cultivating local cultural identity and realizing rural revitalization. Therefore we analyzed factors that affect the service efficiency of grass-roots libraries in Henan Province through a field investigation and qualitative comparative analysis QCA and proposed a high-efficiency configuration. In addition we put forward the strategy of improving the quality and efficiency of our country􀆶 s county-level libraries in the electronic information age.


"14th Five-Year Plan" Public Cultural Service System Construction Plan,n. d. viewed May 20,2023. /57493475.

Li D,Ru M,Hong W,et al. 2017,Research on Public Digital Cultural Service Performance Evaluation System Based on Data Envelopment Analysis. Information Exploration,19(5):10-14.

Zhao R,Tian Y,2018,Nonlinear Relationship between Local Government Competition and Local Government Debt Utilization Efficiency — Empirical Evidence from Interprovincial Panel Data.Technological Economy 37(4):121-130.

Lu M,2020,Is There a Way to Improve the Efficiency of China’ s Logistics Industry,. Business Economics and Management,24(7):27-37.

Du Y,Jia L,2017,Configuration Perspective and Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): A New Path of Management Research. Management World,2017(6):155-167.

Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism,2021,An Overview of Henan Culture viewed May 20,2023,https:/ / www. henan. gov. cn / 2011 / 03-04 / 260811. html.

Basic situation of county-level public libraries in various regions in 2020. Statistical Yearbook of Chinese Cultural Relics and Tourism,2021,76-85.

Department of Culture and Tourism of Henan Province,2021,There is a Good Way to Solve the Chronic Diseases of Grass-Roots Public Cultural Venues in Henan’s Precise Policy,viewed May 20,2023,https:/ /www. henan. gov. cn / 2021 / 01-11 / 2075994. html.

Ding Y,Xu N,Guo J,2020,Can Resource Advantages Bring Higher E-Government Service Capabilities?. Journal of Gansu Administration College,19(1):25-35.

Wang S,2019,Research Progress of China’s Library Cultural Targeted Poverty Alleviation. New Century Library,2019(3)91-96.

Department of Culture and Tourism of Henan Province,2021,There is a Good Way to Solve the Chronic Diseases of Public Cultural Venues at the Grassroots Level in Henan’s Precise Policy May 20,2023,https:/ / www. henan. gov. cn / 2021 / 01-11 / 2075994. html.