Integrating Multiple Linear Regression and Infectious Disease Models for Predicting Information Dissemination in Social Networks
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Social networks
Epidemic model
Linear regression model



Submitted : 2023-05-01
Accepted : 2023-05-16
Published : 2023-05-31


Social network is the mainstream medium of current information dissemination, and it is particularly important to accurately predict its propagation law. In this paper, we introduce a social network propagation model integrating multiple linear regression and infectious disease model. Firstly, we proposed the features that affect social network communication from three dimensions. Then, we predicted the node influence via multiple linear regression. Lastly, we used the node influence as the state transition of the infectious disease model to predict the trend of information dissemination in social networks. The experimental results on a real social network dataset showed that the prediction results of the model are consistent with the actual information dissemination trends.


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