The Revolution of Entrepreneurship Through E-Commerce Model: Questionnaire-based Research in China
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Business strategies
Literature review



Submitted : 2021-08-31
Accepted : 2021-09-15
Published : 2021-09-30


E-commerce is evolving as an innovative tool in a wide range of areas, and has changed the face of entrepreneurship by making them more efficient and dynamic. In this paper, the author firstly reviewed the current development of e-commerce and entrepreneurship, as well as existing opportunities and challenges in this field. This paper also combines both qualitative method (literature review) and quantitative method (questionnaire-based research) to explore the impact of e-commerce on the landscape of entrepreneurship. The findings of this study suggest that the development of e-commerce has triggered fundamental changes in entrepreneurial activities. It significantly promotes the entry of new start-ups and facilitates the growth of their businesses. Meanwhile, small- and medium-sized firms also encounter greater challenges when they try to adopt and implement e-commerce.


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J. D. Kabongo and J. O. Okpara, "ICT possession among Congolese SMEs: an exploratory study", Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 313-326, 2014. Available: 10.1108/jsbed-10-2013-0143.

X. He, 2009, “The Development of Entrepreneurship and Private Enterprise in The People’s Republic of China And its Relevance to Transitional Economies,” Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 14(01): 39-58. Available: 10.1142/s1084946709001132.

A. Tang, 2019, “A Systematic Literature Review and Analysis on Mobile Apps in M-Commerce: Implications for Future Research,” Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 37: 100885. Available: 10.1016/j.elerap.2019.100885.

H. Awa, O. Ojiabo and B. Emecheta, 2015, “Integrating TAM, TPB and TOE Frameworks and Expanding Their Characteristic Constructs for E-Commerce Adoption by SMEs,” Journal of Science & Technology Policy Management, 6(1): 76-94. Available: 10.1108/jstpm-04-2014-0012.

Institute of Social Science Survey, Peking University,, 2021. Available:

C. Briefing, 2021, “China’s 46 New Cross-Border E-Commerce Zones: A Brief Primer,” China Briefing News, 2021. Available: