Research on the Design and Implementation of Detection System of Nutz Framework Meteorological Metrical Device
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Submitted : 2020-12-01
Accepted : 2020-12-16
Published : 2020-12-31


In people's daily life, the role of weather forecast is self-evident. However, the accuracy of forecasting is based on the accuracy and reliability of meteorological data which depends on the sensitivity of meteorological device. Therefore, an important duty of the detection institution of meteorological metrical device is to have the effective detection of meteorological device, so as to ensure a high sensitivity of the device. However, the meteorological device used by some meteorological bureaus is not technologically advanced and the device detection mode is too old, which cannot meet the new regulations issued by the China Meteorological Administration. So it is necessary for the meteorological bureau to develop a set of devices that can easily meet the new meteorological measurement requirements, which is of great significance to ensure the accurate measurement of meteorological data.