International Education Forum <p><em>International </em><em>Education Forum</em> (IEF) is an international, peer reviewed and open access journal that aims to promote the development of education around the world, promote new educational concepts and methods, and demonstrate new achievements in the field of education and teaching. Manuscripts are encouraged to be submitted as original article, review, case report, short communication and letters. The covered topics include, but are not limited to: educational internationalization, educational diversification, vocational education, basic education development, curriculum development, educational psychology, educational technology, learning and educational model reform, educational assessment, special education, etc.</p> Bio-Byword Scientific Publishing Pty. Ltd. en-US International Education Forum 2981-8605 Learner Autonomy as an Instructional Strategy in Enhancing Language Learning <p>The purpose of this research is to assess the applicability of learner autonomy as an instructional strategy in language learning, specifically English as a second language. The study made use of the descriptive correlational research design with a Microsoft Form questionnaire as the main instrument in gathering the data needed from the senior high school students. The results revealed that most senior high school students were enrolled in academic track and the majority of them have outstanding academic performance. The findings also showed that learning technologies were often utilized by these students and collaborative assistance were very often employed. Meanwhile, the extent of manifestation of learner autonomy to language learning is up to great extent. Moreover, a significant relationship between manifestation of learners’ autonomy and profile variables were found except, the relationship between academic performance and control over learning management and control over cognitive processing. Also, the respondents were able to identify several problems and challenges in their autonomy. Finally, based on the findings of the study, a learning strategy matrix was prepared to further enhance the learner autonomy in language learning among senior high school students of Lyceum of the Philippines University campuses.</p> Ma. Leticia Jose C. Basilan Lorelyn V. Berber Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 2 4 1 19 10.26689/ief.v2i4.7050 Research on the Education Path of Forging a Strong Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation in Dali Junior High School <p>At the Central Ethnic Work Conference in 2021, the General Secretary stressed “building a regular mechanism of education for Forging a Strong Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation,” the national education system is an important part of it. Junior high school has a special position in the national education system, which is not only in the final stage of compulsory education but also plays a role in carrying on senior high school education. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct special research on the education of forging a strong sense of community in the Chinese nation in junior middle schools. This study takes forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation as the motif and takes the junior high school of Dali as an example to carry out the analysis, and believes that it is important to carry out the education of the community consciousness of the Chinese nation in the middle school. Based on the investigation of the status quo and achievements of the education of forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation in junior middle schools in Dali Prefecture, the problems in the ways of implementation, team building, and education results are found, and optimization suggestions are put forward on this basis.</p> Rui Zhang Song Zhou Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 2 4 20 25 10.26689/ief.v2i4.7068 Exploration of the Impact of Music Education on the Speaking and Hearing Abilities of D/deaf People <p>This paper reveals the influence of music education on D/deaf people’s hearing and speaking abilities by analyzing the existing literature. Firstly, the importance of music education and related research background is introduced. Then, some methods and precautions to be used in literature analysis are explained. In the literature review, the methodology, sample characteristics, and main findings of different studies are compared and analyzed. Lastly, the paper puts forward some suggestions for further research and summarizes the important role of music education in the field of D/deaf people education and the future research direction.</p> Yanjing Zhao Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 2 4 26 31 10.26689/ief.v2i4.7080 Study on the Current Situation of Skills Training for Pre-Vocational Chemistry Normal University Students Based on the Normal University Professional Certification <p>At present, the main task of normal universities is to train qualified teachers for primary and secondary schools. Thus, pre-service teacher skills training and some educational theories are compulsory courses for every normal university student. The level of pre-service teacher skill training of normal university students directly affects the future teaching work of students. Especially for chemistry normal university students, we should not only possess the basic teaching ability of teachers but also experimental operation skills. Therefore, transforming from an ordinary chemistry normal university student to a qualified chemistry teacher must go through many links, especially the pre-vocational chemistry normal university student skills training. Based on the relevant theory of the skill training of pre-vocational chemistry students, this paper combines its own practical experience and adopts the questionnaire method to analyze the problems existing in the skill training of pre-vocational chemistry students. This paper is divided into three parts, the qualities of the students, the current situation, and problem analysis.</p> Yan Wang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 2 4 32 38 10.26689/ief.v2i4.7067 The Impact of Personality Stability on Smartphone Addiction Among College Students <p>The rapid progress of information technology has led to a steady rise in the diversity and ubiquity of smartphones. College students are increasingly using cell phones to access social media, as they are no longer under parental control. Therefore, the harmful effects of excessive smartphone usage are becoming increasingly noticeable, resulting in the regular emergence of various psychological problems. It is crucial to analyze the relationship between the personality traits of college students and their smartphone addiction in this specific situation. A total of 375 sets of valid survey questionnaires were obtained from college students in Mianyang City, China. The data was analyzed using SmartPLS 4.1 software. Research findings indicate that college students with a stable personality are less prone to developing smartphone addiction.</p> Xuanyun Wang Soon-Yew Ju Yan Zeng Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 2 4 39 44 10.26689/ief.v2i4.7057 Exploration of the Interplay Between Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Facilitating Conditions, Computer Self-Efficacy, Instructor Efficiency, and Behavioral Intention to Distance Learning <p>This study explores the acceptance of educational support technologies in distance learning within a Chinese higher education context. It examines the influence of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, facilitating conditions, computer self-efficacy, and instructor efficiency on students’ behavioral intention toward distance learning. Utilizing a quantitative approach with surveys and structural equation modeling, data from 720 participants at Mianyang Teachers’ College, China, were analyzed. The findings reveal significant positive effects of these factors on the intention to engage in distance learning, offering valuable insights for enhancing technology acceptance in educational settings.</p> Yan Zeng Siok Peh Seah Xuanyun Wang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 2 4 45 51 10.26689/ief.v2i4.7058 Exploration of the Reform of Applied Linguistics Course Under the “Internet+” Platform and the BOPPPS Model <p>The teaching of linguistics courses in traditional teaching mode brings students problems such as cognitive burden, insufficient learning motivation, and lack of understanding of the course setting. According to the established problems and students’ learning situation, we analyze the students’ learning situation, select an experimental control class among the classes of the same grade and the same major studying the course, and carry out the course teaching reform by combining the characteristics of the applied linguistics course. The experimental class that adopts the BOPPPS model in teaching design relies on the “Internet+” Bodoudou platform to assist in teaching quizzes and carry out classroom teaching reform. The control class adopts the traditional teaching mode. At the same time, in the final results and pre- and post-questionnaire surveys, it was found that after adopting the BOPPPS model of teaching, students have made greater progress in absorbing and applying knowledge than in the previous period. The use of BOPPPS model teaching improves the absorption and mastery of knowledge, and the cultivation of learning habits is better than that of traditional teaching.</p> Xintong Xiao Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 2 4 52 59 10.26689/ief.v2i4.7047