Rare Neurodegenerative Disease: Systematization of Nursing Care in Patients Affected by Huntington’s Disease
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Rare diseases
Huntington’s disease
Nursing care
Nursing diagnoses



Submitted : 2024-03-17
Accepted : 2024-04-01
Published : 2024-04-16


Huntington’s disease is a rare neurodegenerative condition of genetic origin, which incapacitates the patient in carrying out daily activities over time and that has no cure. Thus, the monitoring of these individuals through systemized nursing is essential to reduce the impacts of the disease, because it allows a holistic look into the needs of the affected by professionals. This article elaborates on the systematization of nursing care to Huntington’s disease patients and their families. 3 clinical cases of the disease were selected, data collection was performed from October 1–November 30, 2018. The study enabled the development of actions based on the real needs of individuals and facilitated the development of nursing care.


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