International Journal of General Practice Nursing

  • Online ISSN: 2981-9423
  • Print ISSN: 2981-9415

International Journal of General Practice Nursing (IJGPN) is an international, peer reviewed and open access journal that seeks to promote the development of nursing career. Articles which reflect the dynamics of nursing science and technology, summarize the progress of nursing scientific research, report new nursing knowledge and new technologies, display nursing scientific research achievements and advanced experience are encouraged to be submitted as original article, review, case report, short communication and letters. The covered topics include, but are not limited to: decision making, reviews, monographs and reviews in nursing, clinical research, nursing management, survey research, nursing education, health education, community nursing, case nursing, etc.

Current Issue
Vol 2 No 1 (2024)
Published on February 26, 2024

International Journal of General Practice Nursing (IJGPN) is an international, peer reviewed and open access journal that seeks to promote the development of nursing career. Articles which reflect the dynamics of nursing science and technology, summarize the progress of nursing scientific research, report new nursing knowledge and new technologies, display nursing scientific research achievements and advanced experience are encouraged to be submitted as original article, review, case report, short communication and letters. The covered topics include, but are not limited to: decision making, reviews, monographs and reviews in nursing, clinical research, nursing management, survey research, nursing education, health education, community nursing, case nursing, etc.

The Experiences of Practical Nurse Students in Promoting the Rehabilitation of the Elderly Through Nursing Care and Its Education – A Secondary Publication

Maria Korvola, Sinikka Lotvonen, Heidi Siira, Helvi Kyngäs, Kaisa-Mari Saarela
DOI: 10.26689/ijgpn.v2i1.6264

Chronic Care Model – A Secondary Publication

Luigi Apuzzo, Maddalena Iodice, Margherita Gambella, Angelica Scarpa, Francesco Burrai
DOI: 10.26689/ijgpn.v2i1.6265